What and why?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Post shaving is one area I am at a total loss with as I've never given it much thought outside of general moisturising cream. However the more I read, the more I seem to get the impression it is quite important in the overall bliss of having a decent and proper shaving experience.

So what is what? Tonics, balms, moisturisers, after shave, alums etc and why they could be considered a necessity or important?

The only time I have ever used anything other than a moisturiser is an after-shave gel (from a shaving set) which I can't say gave me a particularly wonderful experience and seemed to dry my skin too quickly leaving a bit of a sticky feeling. A kind of 'if I was dead this is what my skin might feel like' sensation. If I remember it came from Marconi shaving on E-Bay.

Any insights, thoughts etc most appreciated.
This is heavily determined by the type of skin chemistry you have. Are you dry or oily, or a combination pattern?

I have a very oily face so I primarily use alcohol based splashes. However, I still look for the ones that have some skincare ingredients in there, especially allantoin.

For the most part I avoid balms because they leave me too greasy and sticky. The only exception to this is the Soap Commander balm. That stuff is amazing. I still tend to mix it with a splash to get the best results for me.
Myrsol emulsion always adds a touch of luxury to me after a close shave. Just seems to disappear into the skin leaving it plumped up and refreshed. Whether it has any longer term benefits I'm not so sure.

JohnnyO. o/
I personally don't use anything.
I find that the soaps leave a nice feel anyway.
I tried using a balm and a moisturiser just because I thought I should but it didn't make any difference.
So, water for me as well.
I am sure there are tons of things to say, argue, facts and figures etc.. Personally my post shave treatment is %100 based on the smell of the aftershaves that I got. Luckily I like old-school, traditional, high in alcohol content aftershave splashes and generally they are inexpensive.
Try Old-spice, Aqua Velva, proraso, tabac, hai karate etc.. they are all around or under £10
Very dry skin but I still use an alcohol aftershave splash and then something like the Myresol emulsion. The A/S acts as an astringent and I need the moisturising effect of a balm.
I am seriously impressed by the volume of replies here. Other forums you can wait months by which time the subject is 'past and history'

I get the impression 'post shave' is a very personal matter and probably very skin type dependent. In my case I am neither greasy or dry, but a moisturiser came more by advise from Mrs satanfriendly and it appears to work for me. I guess working out in Mexico and offshore sees my skin take a battering and especially in the hot season. I don't think alcohol based treatments are me and I have always had a sharp reaction to them.

Some great suggestions to explore a little further. Probably the Witch Hazel route as I have a friend who swears by it.
I have very well conditioned skin and so steer well clear of those soaps which have she butter, mango butter and all manner of other oils and butter more suitable for the Mrs than for me to shave with. Simple soap. Shave.

Hot rinse, cold water rinse and alum wash. Let dry and apply a good splash of witch hazel, simple witch hazel. Splash of aftershave, although I'm erring more towards Cologne now for the higher alcohol content. If alcohol is not for you, a couple of applications of witch hazel should do the trick. You can also buy posh witch hazel under the Thayers & Humphreys brand. Note that "astringent" contains alcohol, "toner" does not under the Thayer's brand.
My post shave depends on when I'm shaving ......... I usually shave at night after my shower on working days, so hot rinse, cold rinse and a splash of Thayers Astringent Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera is the usual.

I use very few aftershaves, as such ....... preferring the Thayers for my skin and whichever EDT I'm in the mood for to add fragrace, as most aftershaves are so weak, longevity wise, as to be pointless these days .......

Those vintage Kouros AS Toners, Old Paco Rabannes, Puig Vetivers, etc, though ... Along with their attendant EDTs..... I save those for major Saturday night layering offences :D

One addendum: Of all the aftershaves I have lying around, the TOBS Sandalwood stands out particularly in that it markedly makes my face feel moisturised after application. The scent also has superb longevity compared to other modern aftershaves.
One question I'd like to ask is if you can use EDC (not EDT) as an aftershave, or is it strength and contents too strong?
Personally I wouldn't use EDC and/or EDT straight after the shave, because the contents are too strong as you mentioned, and may cause some irritation. However if you don't have an aftershave or don't have the aftershave matching your choice of edc, first splash cold water, then you can use normal Witch Hazel and/or Moisturizing cream(without scent obviously) then you can apply edc.
There are some aftershaves that their smell don't last longer than 5 minutes like: Boots Freshwood, 4711, Speick etc.. and you can use your edc or edt on top of them .
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