TSR Xmas Raffle.

Winning was never the real issue; its Christmas (it must be, I got a memo about it, at work!) this is simply a very small way of helping someone have a decent meal under difficult circumstances.

Couldn't have gone to a better place, IMHO but YMMV so TTFN etc...

Well done Ollie and good cause.

A bigger round of applause ought to go to the guy who thought of it, arranged it and cajoled everyone into participating. Of course he shall remain nameless.
This then, gentlemen, settles the debate. There is a God.
Haha in your face Mr Dawkins!

Well done Ollie on landing the best blade ever, and of course the lovely brush !!
Well done Tony!

All his idea. I was lucky but this was fun and did some good - not always easy to combine the two.

Once again, another reason this is my favourite place on the web.
Rev-O said:
Well done Tony!

All his idea. I was lucky but this was fun and did some good - not always easy to combine the two.

Once again, another reason this is my favourite place on the web.

Hear Hear Reverend.

It was an inspired and unselfish act from one of the forums stalwarts.

Thank you for the kind words and thank you for taking part.

I'd also like to thank Henk for also contributing to the prize fund.
Blyth Spirit said:
I know it's one of the three greatest lies in the world but its true in this case.
The cheque is in the post, honest guv! :p
Yes - like "Always work hard and tell the truth and you cannot fail to be a success" or "Always stand up to a bully" (I did that - once).
Well done , its great to see someone organising this but its also great to see the denizens of the room supporting it,
I've only been here a short time but I 'm very impressed with the people here,
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