Trying to get a handle on things...

I picked up a Gillette New off ebay a few days ago. The head's in good shape, and will be even better when I get it replated, but the handle has the fairly usual cracks in it. I'm thinking I may try soldering in the ends and getting it replated too, but I was also wondering if any members here might have a redundant Gillette (or compatible) handle lurking in their collection - ideally a "one piece" solid handle, or one of the heavier "open tube" types. Not too fussed about colour/finish as I'll likely get it replated along with the head. Happy to pay about a fiver for a nice example!
MandoBear said:
I picked up a Gillette New off ebay a few days ago. The head's in good shape, and will be even better when I get it replated, but the handle has the fairly usual cracks in it. I'm thinking I may try soldering in the ends and getting it replated too, but I was also wondering if any members here might have a redundant Gillette (or compatible) handle lurking in their collection - ideally a "one piece" solid handle, or one of the heavier "open tube" types. Not too fussed about colour/finish as I'll likely get it replated along with the head. Happy to pay about a fiver for a nice example!
Show us a pic of which one you have..

Hi Max,
Thanks for responding.
Excuse the mobile phone pic, but I think it'll serve...

The diameter of the handle where it meets the head is quite small
antdad said:
I saw a decent repair of a NEW handle with some epoxy held and squeezed together with some wire ties.
I considered epoxy, but if I do get it electro-plated with nickel, I think it could cause complications. I've got some lead-free solder on its way from ebay (£1.00), which should work OK, if I can't secure a suitable replacement, and I've got one of those micro blow-torch things to provide the heat. Should be fun - I think I may try it, just as a useful learning experience to see how it turns out...
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