Too many steps

Monday July 20, 2009
Hi guys,

Anyone here tired of all the steps involved?

I hasn't shaved for 2 days and this morning I had to do the following:

First Lather
Hot Towel preparation + application on top of first lather
Lather up properly and shave WTG, XTG
Lukewarm water rinse (hot water stings)
Cold water Rinse
Air Dry
Swipe of Cotton Pad with few drops of Witch Hazel/Tea Tree oil (Boots)
Aftershave Balm
A Bit of moisturiser on slightly dry areas of face
Few drops of EDT/Cologne back of neck/clothes ...

I do have a dense, tough and pain-in-the-ass beard and as much as I enjoy shaving it off , need it take so long?
SWMBO is quicker in the mornings :(

Over the next few weeks I intend to do the same but without Alum. Then without the Witch Hazel, then without both to see if there's any real difference.

My steps:

Wash or shower
Proraso pre-shave cream
Lather prep
Wash off pre-shave cream in hot water
Shave (WTG, XTG, ATG)
Wait a bit, then dab with astringent gel or styptic pencil to get the really stubborn weepers

Then I go through my teeth-cleaning/flossing procedures, to let the alum/styptic do its work. I'm making a feature of this because my harpy dental hygienist (sp?) has been giving me gyp about my gums.

Wash off the alum with COLD water and soap
Lovely lovely Proraso or Jaeger's Sandalwood aftershave balm

Is it too much? Sometimes, yes. Tonight SWMBO has been out, when she got back we watched Masterchef that I'd taped (yes taped!) earlier, with a couple of drinks, and now I can't be chewed to shave. Am working from home tomorrow, so no need for me to look smart, else I would have dragged myself into the bathroom and done the deed.

Whole thing approx 20 mins for a wash, 30 mins for a shower.

I constantly miss out entire sections of the shave that would have me banned from B&B quick smart.
Honestly the difference quality of shave wise - Mostly Minimal.

That said when i have the time and a good chance of no interruptions i add as many extra steps as i can get away with .. just to prolong the Zen.

Hell Ive done a complete DE wet shave in 5 minutes. Wasn't a great experience, but it pretty much ranked the same as a cartridge shave so....

Wait till you have kids, you'll cut it right back

Ah yes, the one thing that's stopped me getting into Straights. :D You never do know when the Ninja 9 year old is going to come barreling through the door to find out why your taking so long.
I like to take a few leisurely steps rather than a lot of quick ones.

So now it's just shower, prepare lather, hot face rinse, three passes and A/S. But still takes a relaxed 20 minutes in the shower room before rejoining civilisation.
Lather up
Strop razor
Adjust lather
2 passes
Warm rinse
Wash up
Cold rinse
Aftershave or:
Balm, followed by cologne
Strop razor

That's typical: when I type it out it seems like a lot of fuss, but it's fairly brisk really.
I don't consider shaving to be any more than another step in my morning ablutions.

shave (one pass)

I only do what is neccessary.

Sometimes I use aftershave, not always though.
Despite your beard, if you're jumping straight out of the shower (assuming it's hot), I'm not sure what added benefit hot towel prep would really provide. Equally I'm not sure allowing your face to "air dry" before applying Hazel does much either, just use it on your damp face, it'll be virtually dry when your done with the cotton pad.

See if eliminating any of those makes any difference.
If shower classes as prep then

Soak Brush & Mug in as hot water as I can get
Shower (making sure my face never dries when I get out)
Re-fill sink
Wet face again
Prep Lather (if mug lathering)
Wet Face again (if mug lathering)
Lather (miss out previous 2 if face lathering)
Shave WTG, XTG + Touch ups
Warm rinse
Cold rinse
Tidy up
Dry Alum with towel
Aftershave Balm (if needed)

However I don't really class anything as a Shaving Step till im building/applying lather.
I'm a minimalist - I firmly believe if your prep, lather, blade and technique are sound, then you only need:

- shower/hot water rinse
- lather, shave
- warm then cold water rinse
- A/S splash/balm/moisturiser

Sometimes I wonder if the use of too many products/steps only aggravates the skin further.

I've tried Witch Hazel and Aloe gel. While cheap, I still feel like I need extra moisture, so may as well get a balm that does it all. Proraso pre/post is excellent, as is Institute Karite, and of course, Nivea Sensitive.

With regard to the OP - which blade(s) are you using? If your beard is tough, try a Feather, or if that is too sharp for you, an Iridium or Gillette Yellow.

Hot shower - hot water is key to softening that tough stubble
Wash face
Splash more hot water on face
Apply warm lather from scuttle (ahhhhhhhhh :))
Massage lather into beard until stubble softens
Shave (1x WTG pass and 1x XTG pass)
Touch up where required
Warm water rinse
Cold water splash
Thayers Witch Hazel if required/in the mood
AS or ASB depending on mood

This takes a lot less time now that it did when I first started DE shaving.
jhclare said:
I'm a minimalist - I firmly believe if your prep, lather, blade and technique are sound, then you only need:

- shower/hot water rinse
- lather, shave
- warm then cold water rinse
- A/S splash/balm/moisturiser

Same here.

jhclare said:
Sometimes I wonder if the use of too many products/steps only aggravates the skin further.

As can hot towels that are too hot.

Bloody hell mate, that's like a shopping list!!

I do the following:

Rinse face/wash face/rinse face
1st Pass
2nd Pass
Warm water rinse
Cold water rinse
A/S Splash or balm - never both

- Shower
- Lather (usually straight onto face)
- Shave 3 passes then touch up any remaining rough areas
- Rinse off remaining lather with cold water
- Wet alum rub face
- Pat dry with towel
- If the alum rub "told" me it had been a rough one apply Witch Hazel
- ASB (not always)
- EDT (got several bottles might as well use them)
jhclare said:
I'm a minimalist - I firmly believe if your prep, lather, blade and technique are sound, then you only need:

- shower/hot water rinse
- lather, shave
- warm then cold water rinse
- A/S splash/balm/moisturiser

Sometimes I wonder if the use of too many products/steps only aggravates the skin further.


This is what I was doing when cartridge shaving. I think I'm going to go back to it, and only go for the longer process when I am shaving for an occasion (going out etc.). I'm also thinking of dumping the separate facial wash I have and using the body soap on my face to save time. IT's what people did before, and if it worked for them it should be fine for me too.

I stopped using liquid/gel body washes recently. The first bar of soap I used was a sandalwood oil one and it made me itch like crazy for a couple of weeks. Been on the 'Simple' (tallow based) soap for the last few days and the itching seems to have died down a bit. I'm not sensitive to anything really and never have problems with a wide variety of products. I guess the itching could have been down to something else.

Cheers for everyone's posts. Very helpful.
andyjreid said:
If shower classes as prep then

Soak Brush & Mug in as hot water as I can get
Shower (making sure my face never dries when I get out)
Re-fill sink
Wet face again
Prep Lather (if mug lathering)
Wet Face again (if mug lathering)
Lather (miss out previous 2 if face lathering)
Shave WTG, XTG + Touch ups
Warm rinse
Cold rinse
Tidy up
Dry Alum with towel
Aftershave Balm (if needed)

However I don't really class anything as a Shaving Step till im building/applying lather.

Roughly the same, I don't class anything up to putting the brush to the soap as a shaving step, it looks a lot but it is a process I have refined and it takes about 5 mins tops during the week. At the weekend however it can take some time, sometimes have nice music in the background. Even the weekday shaves set me up in the right frame of mind for the day, the guys who say bugger all that and reach for a cart and can of goo are really missing out on something, in my opinion.

Sometimes at the weekend I can do more steps than you listed, it just depends on how I am feeling and time available, main thing is to enjoy it. I like a hot towel but often can't be bothered so it is not essential, just make sure I do more time in the shower and that my lather is first class and technique is good.

The fun is finding what you enjoy and what works for you.
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