The $20 / £13.50 - RazoRock Hawk SE razor - are you getting one?

I have signed for it ... I have an alumnigoose v1 (pre production) let's hope this one will survive better from a fall from my clumsy hands ...

Sent from Mars
I have signed for it ... I have an alumnigoose v1 (pre production) let's hope this one will survive better from a fall from my clumsy hands ...

Sent from Mars

How bad was the damage? I'm thinking do I just go stainess steel and forgoe the lightweight build or is the risk of easy damage not worth the aluminum?
Not too bad. The plating is chipped at one corner of the head.

To be honnest I initially thought the mongoose was too heavy for me. That s why i got the aluminigoose.

Than i paired my mongoose with an ikon OSS handle and realized that the issue was the handle. It is too slippery for the balance.

The hawk is interresting mostly for the price.

Sent from Mars
Not too bad. The plating is chipped at one corner of the head.

To be honnest I initially thought the mongoose was too heavy for me. That s why i got the aluminigoose.

Than i paired my mongoose with an ikon OSS handle and realized that the issue was the handle. It is too slippery for the balance.

The hawk is interresting mostly for the price.

Sent from Mars
The price is whats pulling me in as well lol. The chrome will chip and bubble at some point but the price keeps it reasonable. But how will it shave hmmmm? Anyone heard when they start shipping?
Let me be the one to toss the proverbial turd into the punchbowl here in that the blade selection is extremely limited at best. SE razors (apart from injectors) just don't have the market 'oomph' to get blade makers cranking these out again. If you can live with two blades then soldier on.
Let me be the one to toss the proverbial turd into the punchbowl here in that the blade selection is extremely limited at best. SE razors (apart from injectors) just don't have the market 'oomph' to get blade makers cranking these out again. If you can live with two blades then soldier on.
Hi my newbie knowledge is probably going to show me up here. From what i've seen there may be 2 main blade manufactures on the current SE front that fit the wider head SE's like the mongoose, cobra, SE1 by ATT and the this Razorock Hawk. With them being Feather and Kai, and yes this does then follow on to mean the blade selection currently limited compared to the DE market however I'm pretty sure from a manufactures point with the increase of razors in this category there are sure to be some that will want to also join the party and start making these blades. Supply and demand will always drive business. Where they have a large enough demographic the manufactures will start seeing pound signs. So yes there isn't a comparable selection of blades for the aforementioned razors, but just watch this space. And in the mean time its still cheaper and better with there SE's than jumping on cartridge market as a shaver.
Let me be the one to toss the proverbial turd into the punchbowl here in that the blade selection is extremely limited at best. SE razors (apart from injectors) just don't have the market 'oomph' to get blade makers cranking these out again. If you can live with two blades then soldier on.

There are many artist club blade maker not that many available in the west though

let me list them for you: kai ( mild / pro touch / sharp edge), feather( light / pro / super / pro guard), dorco ( barber blades i think they are called), schick proline, CJB ( same maker as the razor) , Kamisori (the brand famous for their shear)

I have tried most of them. I have 2 pack of proline sitting somewhere. I ll do a pif of them at some point.

I suspect that the wealth of SE razor will likely cause makers to seriously consider making new blades (likely the market is saturated though) and for retailers to start importing them.

Sent from Mars
let me list them for you: kai ( mild / pro touch / sharp edge), feather( light / pro / super / pro guard), dorco ( barber blades i think they are called), schick proline, CJB ( same maker as the razor) , Kamisori (the brand famous for their shear)

Sent from Mars
I've tried all of the above apart from the Schicks. All very different blades and suited to different razors.
Must be noted that most of these types of razors don't take Feather Lights, but they are very similar to Kai mild which do fit.
Hi my newbie knowledge is probably going to show me up here. From what i've seen there may be 2 main blade manufactures on the current SE front that fit the wider head SE's like the mongoose, cobra, SE1 by ATT and the this Razorock Hawk. With them being Feather and Kai, and yes this does then follow on to mean the blade selection currently limited compared to the DE market however I'm pretty sure from a manufactures point with the increase of razors in this category there are sure to be some that will want to also join the party and start making these blades. Supply and demand will always drive business. Where they have a large enough demographic the manufactures will start seeing pound signs. So yes there isn't a comparable selection of blades for the aforementioned razors, but just watch this space. And in the mean time its still cheaper and better with there SE's than jumping on cartridge market as a shaver.
What You have to Bear in Mind is that the Cobra was the 1st SE to be Designed for these Kinda Blades..They were Actually Designed for the Feather Artist Club & Not SEs Per Se..The Companies that Make them Primarily Make their Money out these Blades as they were Originally Intended..;)

I have Tried a Number of them & Find Most of them Far too Mild for Shaving..Most of these Type of SEs are Mild Shavers anyway..Some of these Blades are More Like Hair Shaper Blades..There is No Sharper Current Blade than the Feather Pro in My Books..:D

I am on the email list and intended to pick it up when released after I been waiting for a year and a half since it first came up on Razorock's Instagram site. For $20, how can you go wrong (so why do they adjust for the British Pound but not for the USD since CAD is taking a beating too). However with the news that the Ikon El Jefe might be coming out sooner than later, I might just wait for that one and get a head only for slightly more. the Hawk was nice when it was first designed, but the later heads are rounded like the ATT and Claymore and not angled like the Mongoose.
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