The $20 / £13.50 - RazoRock Hawk SE razor - are you getting one?

Hold onto your bowler hats but there's another entry onto the SE Kai/Feather razor arena that now finally, at least to me, have a price point.

It's the...RazoRock Hawk SE

Material/Manufacturing: Chrome plated CNC machined aluminium
Availability: Summer, 2016
Quantity: Initial volume of 1,000 razors
How: Sign up on the waiting/notification list on their site and you will be offered one in order of sign up

Are you getting one - and/or is this basement priced razor making you cancel your purchase plans of others you had already considered?



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Naw but I am getting a headache trying to remember all the feckin' new SE's and other razors that are popping up. Kickstarter this and project that. It's just about enough to make a body grow a beard! Options are good I suppose and this is a shaving site after all.....

Yeah the SE field is getting crowded. Sure, not as crowded as the DE but there has been a lot of them announced lately.

I might be missing some but it now looks like;

Availability: Now

Asylum Rx

Availability: Summer, 2016

Availability: Now

Availability: Summer, 2016

Cobra Classic
Availability: Now

The General
Availability: Summer/Fall, 2016

iKon El Jefe
Availability: TBD

King Cobra
Availability: Now

Mongoose SS
Availability: Now

Mongoose SS II
Availability: Summer, 2016

RazoRock Hawk
Availability: Summer, 2016

Rocnel SE50
Availability: Sept-Oct, 2016
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