Thank you everyone

RB73 said:
Rev-O said:
Oops sorry RB - thanks for the massive shipment, including the Cade, which I love. I can't quite put my finger on the fragrance (coconut? milk?) but is is a lovely mild creamy soap lather that does the job wonderfully. Its reputation is deserved.

Your package was huge ( :?) and a sheer joy to receive, bringing me much pleasure. Thanks again.

Cade Deserves the love :D , but wait until you’ve tried the institut Karite, the lathers outstanding. IL try and get it in the post this week if you’re interested. :hungrig

PM sent on the Hai Karate. Thanks.
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type CLUB in as a code when you check out and you get 40% off everything

postage is 10 Euros that's the only downside :x
I second Fido's thoughts; TSR is the best forum on the web and great community which I enjoy being part of. Wish I could spend more here but bloody work gets in the way!!!!

Cheers, Rousey
Hear, hear.
On the whole, I believe I am in the company of gentlemen, lets face it, not many of those left. I particularly enjoy getting the wee ripped from me, strange I know, but never offence taken. I can be a touch cheeky myself and I hope it is received in the manner it was imparted. This forum is fun, useful, but ultimately fun. I know we have had a few members departing, their choice. I suspect if it wasn't one particular reason, it would be another. Brethern, Sisteren , remember, IT'S ONLY SHAVING!

"Then gently scan your brother man, Still gentler sister woman; Though they may gang a' kennin' wrang To step aside is human."
Address to Unco Guid (Uncommon good; translation for the benefit of would-be Scotsman Honey Monster)
Robert Burns
(Sermon Olly?)

Seasons greetings

hunnymonster said:
I have read the works of the good Rabbi Burns... and what's more some of them have been read to me by no less than Clare Grogan :hungrig (sadly it wasn't 1-1 but she is definitely getting foxier as life goes on)

Wow, is that Clare Grogan of Red Dwarf and a pop group I can't remember? If so I should like to join you with a hearty "Hubba! Hubba!" :hungrig :hungrig

No there are nicer pics but the ones I found were too small to put on here. Still, very nice lady. There aren't many women (or men of course) who improve with age. Luckily I am one of those men. Sometimes it scares me.
My old man was a Burns fanatic. When I was a kid I thought it, well...pish! We did Tam O'Shanter at secondary school and I had a re-think.
The word genius gets bandied around a bit too much, in Rabbie's case it's more than well deserved. Plus he was right into his shaving, drink and the ladies. If the Gers had been around he would have been perfect, ;)
Clare Grogan = cougar
hunnymonster said:
Pig Cat said:
Wow, is that Clare Grogan of Red Dwarf and a pop group I can't remember? If so I should like to join you with a hearty "Hubba! Hubba!" :hungrig :hungrig

Yes sirree, and Gregory's Girl and numerous other things in which you can see her gaining of foxiness over the last two or three decades.

Altered Images...said the old bloke with a long memory.
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