Talk me into a straight

Thanks for that, its what I thought but I would have been annoyed to get the razor and a pack of blades only to find a pack was included as well.

Just off to spend some more money, now the RG or the SS that is the question :). I'm sure they both work the same so its just a question of aesthetics.
One Feather AC-SS plus a pack of Pro Guard blades are now on their way.

I have a thing about Stainless Steel so had to opt for that one, even though it was more expensive.

Hopefully it will turn up this week while I am off work so I can test it out.
Great :).

Doing single passes I'd be amazed if you didn't get at least double figure uses per blade. They last much longer than DE blades. Easily fifteen, I reckon, even with three-pass shaves.
I like the sound of 15 shaves per blade. If I can manage that I won't mind the extra cost so much.

I can't ever see me using it on a weekday, I think it will always be a weekend treat, although I am starting to think about shaving in the evening which will give me more time so you never know. I'll report when mine arrives and has been tested out.
Once you get the hang of it it's no slower than a DE.

I found I got knocking on 20 shaves with a guard - at five they'll still be getting better! With the Pro I get even more, knocking on thirty without any loss of sharpness and still well usable after that. I am generally quite easy on blades, though.

I have had something like sixty shaves out if the current blade in mine, and it's still about as sharp as many of my honed straights, and plenty usable.
Fantastic news on the longevity.

LTB, I genuinely thought before the razor arrived that it would be a weekend treat only.
But the guarded blades you've bought will change your mind. They are genius. I intend to have mine as a genuine alternative to my R41, which I've used mid week no problem at all.

I hope you are as impressed as I was. I'm actually excited about my next shave :D
That's great to hear. I have used the R41 mid week as well quite happily. I have had a few straight shaves in the past but I struggled with what I perceived to be lack of sharpness. I hope to succeed with this and if I do I may well have another go at a proper straight sometime in the future.
My Feather AC SS arrived this morning from Connaught shaving along with some Pro Guard blades. being curious I need to understand just how these things work, and my eyesight is not good enough to really see the blade edge so out with the camera.

Here is the razor with the blade loaded.


Here is a close up side on, you can see the guard wires actually go over the blade edge, that surprised me.


And here is a shot looking almost straight down at the blade edge.


I will be giving it a trial run later today.
Well, the first shave went well. I found it a lot easier than using a straight. The blade was definitely sharper, and the little guard bars gave me a lot more confidence.

I managed a decent 2 pass shave, without the need to get the DE out for a touch up. I was all arms and hands though so I need to work on technique, how best to hold the razor for each section of my face, and using both hands. Overall it went well so I'm happy.
I think most people still do 3 passes. I just opted for WTG and ATG. I didn't fancy going sideways across my neck, that's bad enough with a DE. A bit of practice and I'm sure I will get there. Today's shave was a lot better than my first DE shave.
I had my second shave with this today. I bit the bullet and had a go before work, thinking that I would still have time to throw the DE at it if I was struggling.
Well, I didn't. I loved it. I'm cack handed, and the angle is all wrong, but in a few areas I had a great shave. Hours later it still felt amazing.
Sadly there were not many of these areas, but it made me realise how great it could be.

If DE shaving was a pleasant surprise, then this is a true revelation.
It will take some mastering, but if I can crack it then straight shaving is going to be very very expensive for me :D
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