tabac sources?

hi all - i'm struggling to find on-line UK suppliers for the tabac soap (in dish) and the 300ml aftershave. i've found a couple, but no-one seems to do both.

also i know they will both last a long time, but is £15 for the soap and £24-£30 for the aftershave really the best price i'll be able to get?

many thanks :)
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thank you both

looks like a deal i can't say no to :lol:

in fact, i *may* have to get a couple of the soaps and of the aftershaves :hungrig

as an aside - is there a difference between their cologne and the after shave? most websites' images are the same for both, yet the price differs slightly.
SpydieNut said:
thank you both

fragrancex came up on my googling, but had some less-than-complimentary customer reviews.

i was also worried about import tax + duties + the courier's handling fee (as i've been stung by these before)

i'll look into buying from them though - thanks again

I bought a 300ml "bowling skittle" of Tabac AS for about £14.00 delivered. Superbly packed, comms were great, no hidden extras; all in all great. It got to me only last week. Will definitely use again, but probably after Christmas. However 11 day delivery is still a good call for Chrimbo!

If you do go remember to type in the 'FREE' shipping code.

Go on, you know you want to...go on, you know you will!

Says a lot when products are landed at a significant lower cost from 3500 miles away with zero p&p than from the local high street chemist.

The UK is known, cynically and sadly, as Treasure Island in business marketing parlance.

oops - quoted before the edit :)

ah well.

you're right of course. UK prices are absurd. i'll probably go for a few smaller orders so that i don't go over the VAT/duty/custom threshold
Tabac soap and ceramic bowl £8.40 shipped!

Wonder if he'll send me 100? I'd sell 'em on Ebay. I'm happy with small profit margins. Seems like he is, too.

No Tabac A/S balm I noticed. Where's the best buy on that?


Tried hard to see how to get the code for free shipping. I failed. It quotes a $59 figure for free shipping. But how does one get it for a one off item like a Tabac refill?
I got an offer of 10% discount but that was it.

I've just ordered some . . . and I don't even like it!!!

That site is the Devil's work, the Devil's work I tells yer.

Caron's 3rd Man and Pour Un Homme for about £20 each (they are £65 over here!).
SpydieNut said:
as an aside - is there a difference between their cologne and the after shave? most websites' images are the same for both, yet the price differs slightly.

i'd guess only the obvious, stronger longer lasting scent :?
but i wouldn't use it as a long lasting aftershave
hando said:
SpydieNut said:
as an aside - is there a difference between their cologne and the after shave? most websites' images are the same for both, yet the price differs slightly.

i'd guess only the obvious, stronger longer lasting scent :?
but i wouldn't use it as a long lasting aftershave

The Cologne smells much more like the soap, the aftershave doesn't.

If I remember right.
joe mcclaine said:
hando said:
SpydieNut said:
as an aside - is there a difference between their cologne and the after shave? most websites' images are the same for both, yet the price differs slightly.

i'd guess only the obvious, stronger longer lasting scent :?
but i wouldn't use it as a long lasting aftershave

The Cologne smells much more like the soap, the aftershave doesn't.

If I remember right.
thank you

at that price, i may just get one of each :lol:
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