Tabac Re-Formulated - Now Tallow Free

The new formulation is supposed to be poor.

It's not that they just dropped the tallow but the coconut oil as well, which they replaced with lauric acid alone.

Always wanted to try but doesn’t seem like a lot of point now. Anyone know of anywhere with old original stock?

Lee, I emailed Paul of Connaught Shaving yesterday and he said all the ones he has are the tallow version.
If the new sans-tallow stuff turns out to be rubbish but you still crave the smell, try the cream in a tube version. It's always been absent of tallow. I used it yesterday and in my opinion it is good. Cheers - I.
Basically taken out the two expensive ingredients and replaced with cheap synthetic surfactant ingredient. Price will stay same and profit margin increased!

Great insight there Brian, thanks.

Coconut Oil I can understand might be expensive, Tallow I thought was a cheap bye product from the meat industry, wouldn't have thought it would be an expensive ingredient.