Swearing.......do you speak it?


So just outta curiosity, how many of you guys swear on a regular basis. Everyday speech and all that, just the rare outburst or word, or maybe somewhere in the middle. Possibly none at all.

Personally, I rarely swear around people I don't know or if they find it offensive, or just in general, but I swear a LOT when I'm with a certain group of old friends. We've been talking like that for waaaay too long to change now. Most times it's used in context.

Anyway, let's see what happens. Hah, I know from other posts some of you guys are pretty familiar with the various forms of swearing, with some words used I never heard of before.

I'm in the forces - so erm yeah! We swear. But at the same time there is a time and a place. Many situations call for diplomacy , so like you I choose when and where is appropriate. I am more than capable of holding perfectly long and sometimes heated conversations without uttering a single swear word. So it really depends on the company im in
Managed the past many decades working in Fire, Police & Military attachments without swearing so I'm guessing I should (hopefully) not pick up the habit now.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I don't think I swear that much. Never at work, sometimes at home. SWMBO recently had a go at me, telling me to stop swearing so much. She's worse than me! Most of my swearing is to myself, like when I cock something up. There's certain situations where a swear word just sums it up perfectly.
Well,believe it or not I don't tend to swear,and I certainly never swear in front of women or heaven forbid children.
I have thrown rather a few out on here,but more often than not it's for comic effect,I was brought up the propper way,I never swore in front of my parents,never.
If I'm on a bus,even if it's a late night bus and someone is swearing I find it almost impossible NOT to say something,unless there's a few more of them than there is of me.
Old school decency,good manners and zero tolerence to morons.

I've just come back from a day in the pub then gone to the football. Every other word is F.

Plus being a soldier it's full of swearing.

I only tend to calm it down around women and children
it depends on whos company im in. i can be very foul mouthed given the opportunity, but im a big believer in manners and act accordingly. i tend to have a right potty mouth when im angry, excited, at the football or in the throes of passion, but in everyday situations and in normal conversation i rarely swear.
As an engineer in a factory swearing is almost compulsory. However I try not to swear at home (try being the operative word). And I mustn't swear in front of the mother in law for fear of a right hook
Ok, so far it looks like everyone's pretty normal in my eyes, except of course for poor old Johnny. Man, you don't know what you're missing out on! As other members know and have said, sometimes the right word at the right time just hits the spot. Oh, you should also start using tobacco products if you haven't already. They are very fun and smoking goes especially well with swearing for some reason.

If I'm smart I will wait and take my cue from other people's humor being used on me for example. Although, I gotta be real careful when joking about anything religious, especially to Christians. They have a zero sense of humor sometimes and get offended where no offense is meant.
Depends on the situation really. I swear when frustrated or angry but try to avoid it in 'normal' conversation.

At the school I work in some of the kids use swear words almost all the time and I find it a bit sad that someone can't express themselves without swearing constantly.
Tall_Paul said:
At the school I work in some of the kids use swear words almost all the time and I find it a bit sad that someone can't express themselves without swearing constantly.

That's the thing...... I think in many cases the kids just don't have the vocabulary to express themselves in a non profane way. Sometimes swearing is a choice but other times it's no fault of the person doing the cursing. It sounds uneducated in most instances, which really is too bad.

When BraveBlade (do I need to call you that?) mentioned being able to converse passionately without swearing, that was impressive. Tough to keep some words from creeping in during the heat of the moment.

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