Suggestions on which cream to try will be gratefully received

Monday November 5, 2012

Still being new to DE shaving; as I am sure you will have gathered if you have read or contributed to my previous threads, as I am getting through the tub of my current cream - Taylor of Old Bond Street, Sandlewood I am keen to try a different cream next and will be grateful for those of you who are more experienced with DE shaving in your suggestions of what to try.

My experience with the Taylor of Old Bond Street cream has been mixed, not that good a lather when mixing it in a bowl; although I put this down to me and my technique, but fine when applying directly to my face.

One final question, which I hope you will forgive me if the answer appears blindingly obvious :blush: but as I see there are two sections within this forum, one for cream and one for soap, can someone please explain what the difference is, and the benefits of using one over the other.

And last if not least, I wish you all a merry Christmas
You've got to try Proraso (Green if you like menthol, Red or Blue if you don't) and Speick (which I find to be ultimately protective and super easy to lather).
Exactly what Helveticum says. Proraso and Speick are good value as well as great performers in their own right. The two creams I'll repurchase. Italian soft soaps are worth trying out - Cella, Vitos, RazoRock, Valobra etc. For hard soap, have a look at Nanny's - who's one of our own.
Don't forget Palmolive readily available on the high street for under £2 and a good performer. Also high street superman cream from the likes of pound land Erasmus from savers and local to me a lot of chemists stock ingrains aswell
Cream is easy to make lather with, either directly on your face or in a bowl. Soap will make great quality lather too, but it can take a bit more practice. Soap too, can be used to face lather or can be built up in a bowl. A Palmolive and/or Arko soap sticks are worth a try either by applying directly to your face or stuffed in a bowl and used like any other hard soap. Both are available for below £1 each.

As to other creams to try, just browse here for ideas, decide just how much you want to spend and enjoy trying new things. And remember, price doesn't correlate directly with performance.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
The main difference between soap and cream is water content, go to your high street and get a tube of Palmolive cream it's cheap so use plenty of product.
OP - are you asking what the physical difference is between a soap and a cream (most shaving soaps are similar in hardness to a bar of bath soap, so much harder than creams), or are you asking if there's any difference in how they lather and perform?
A few statements regarding the last question:
1) Cream = Soap + more chemicals; main benefit - easier and faster to lather;
2) Soap = fewer chemicals, way longer shelf life, ease of transportation;
3) Creams and soaps may be manufactured by different contractors for a brand, hence a possible drift in quality between the two (although this is more of a UK specific issue).
4) Italian soft soaps are a good compromise, namely the above mentioned Vitos and Cella - which I find unbeatable on any front. If you like amaretto or marzipan, that is.
In terms of a quality/low price cream, I would have to vote for La Toja - although I don't know how readily available it is as I bought mine in Spain.

The point is, as Fido made earier, don't make the mistake that low price equals low quality and vice versa. I have some very expensive creams and they don't give a vastly different shave to the ones already mentioned.

As a thought, try searching for trial packs - go for different manufacturers rather than different scents from the same manufacturer.
Tend to use the super pasteurize "light cream" rather than the 1/2 & 1/2. Just a richer taste and nicer product.☃☃☃☃
boyfrom64 said:

Still being new to DE shaving; as I am sure you will have gathered if you have read or contributed to my previous threads, as I am getting through the tub of my current cream - Taylor of Old Bond Street, Sandlewood I am keen to try a different cream next and will be grateful for those of you who are more experienced with DE shaving in your suggestions of what to try.

there are two sections within this forum, one for cream and one for soap, can someone please explain what the difference is, and the benefits of using one over the other.

And last if not least, I wish you all a merry Christmas

Well if you wanna spend some serious cash I'd suggest any Penhaligons cream. The performance and way the lather looks seems a bit better than most other brands I've tried. Second choice would be any DR Harris flavor. To me, I have a bit better luck with that product than when using the three T's. Plus, the Marlborough is a great woody scent. Best place to order the DR Harris is Connaughts I believe.

Soaps do take longer to load and whip up a lather with. As a rule, I think the lather probably looks a little better when I use a cream. Even so, I rarely use creams because the performance of the soaps in my rotation is generally better than creams. I find soap to be slicker than cream, which is a good feature to have in the mix.

Anyway, it's how things seem to me,

Sezer74 said:
I think 'INGRAMS' worth a try as well, £1.70 or somewhere around that. Sometimes you may find 'Supermax' if i am not wrong, in poundland, it lathers quite good as well

+1 on the Ingrams for low price, good quality, high street availability.
Very interesting thread
It's actually got me looking through the various internet shops with a thought to trying out a soap (I've mostly used creams up to date)

A soap stick would prove very useful as a travel item. I assume as you put it straight on your face and then lather up (that's what I've done with Arko in the past) I won't need to take a small bowl with me. I'm thinking of trying out a Speick soap stick

The Cella Italian soap also looks interesting... but I thought I might try out Mitchell's Wool Fat soap... a lot of people seem to use it on SOTD and I can't resist that ceramic bowl (and it's made close to here)

Getting my NF brush for Christmas... January could be the perfect time to try some of these out!
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