Strop leather

Cordovan Shell Horsehide. Too bad it's rare as hen's teeth nowadays. The new ones are outrageously priced, (when you can find them) and the vintage ones are usually in sad shape.

I was lucky. My grandfather was a barber, and he took care of his tools.



This is what they normally look like in used condition.

(Edited to add more photos.)
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Cordovan for sure, my favourite being the Kanayama. This strop also has a suede component which is absolutely the best 'pre finishing' strop material IMO. I finish on a 15k and straight to the suede then cordovan and the results are usually around a 2/5 on the hanging hair test. Excellent strop.
That is a lovely strop. I was wondering if anyone has tried kangaroo
Yes - I have a Neil Miller 'Roo strop - I added some neets foot oil to it and use it mainly after shaving as it leaves a deposit of oil on the bevel that helps protect the edge.

PlanofMan - Cordovan is not difficult to find or outrageously expensive - I have a Neil Miller Cordovan as well as Kangaroo. There's a guy on here Krytons Jaw who makes really nice strops (Westholme I think) that get rave reviews.
Cordovan Shell is the most expensive piece of leather you can buy, and only used for the finest shoes or boots If you want a strop made from Cordovan shell expect prices to start at around £180.
Jamie don't suppose you know where Kim is up to on sorting through the much missed Neil Miller's stock he left behind? If it helps her sure we could find homes for some nice strops...
Jamie don't suppose you know where Kim is up to on sorting through the much missed Neil Miller's stock he left behind? If it helps her sure we could find homes for some nice strops...

Hi Mattius,

This is an update from Neils site posted by Kim.

Update 17th July 2015:

It is with regret that I must advise that Neil sadly passed away on the 8th July 2015 and the shop is not currently taking orders.
I hope to rectify this situation as soon as possible as there is much stock to clear.
My apologies to anyone who has placed an order. I will endeavour to honour any orders where payment has been received, by the 8th August.

Cordovan Shell is the most expensive piece of leather you can buy, and only used for the finest shoes or boots If you want a strop made from Cordovan shell expect prices to start at around £180.
Yeah that.^^^
Most modern Cordovan Shell strops are thinner, narrower, and shorter than the vintage equivalents. A new production full size Cordovan like my grandfather's strop can easily set you back $400-$500...If you can find one. Big draft horses are, shall we say, not as "common" as they were 60 or 70 years ago.

And to think, shell horsehide was once so common, people used it as drive belt material for machines.
That's correct a piece of Cordovan shell from a big old Clydesdale or Shire Horse would be much thicker than the more finely bred Horses we see around today, on saying that the Cordovan shell on my Kanayama 8000 is over 4mm thick, that is thicker than any other modern cordovan shell strops.
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