Straight Razor

Ok, I have mastered the art of de shaving and am thinking about trying a straight razor, but this is totally new area for me.
So what would you recommend, vintage, new also what do I need to go with it? I am probably looking at something from Neil, but my budget is limited and I may find it doesn't suit me so I don't want to go too mad money wise.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Cheers, Steve.
Well you have a brush and creams/soaps so all you need is a razor and a strop.

Good luck I'm just starting to learn str8 shaving at the moment and had my 2nd attempt tonight.
I've been on the brink of taking the step towards a straight too, so as much advice as possible appreciated.

Neil does have some great offers on vintage straights and is well respected here - worry is is that it ain't for me and the initial outlay is considerably more than for DE kit.
This my worry, so it may have to wait but I like the idea of being able to use a straight and if I get the same satisfaction as I do DE shaving then it may be worth the outlay.
You think that's what you're worried about, but wait until you get one of those things in your hand... then you'll know what worry is. They're blumin terrifying.

Having said that, they do make you feel like a real man when you have your first shave with one. And if I was starting out, knowing what I know now, I would definitely approach Neil, either by PM or through his website. He has some reasonable priced razors there, and he's also put a lot of information up on this forum in his 3-part straight razor shaving stickies.
cheese_dave said:
You think that's what you're worried about, but wait until you get one of those things in your hand... then you'll know what worry is. They're blumin terrifying.


(but I know what you mean)
What Cheese Dave said. Neil is the best and most cost effective way into straight razor shaving, unless you fancy doing your own honing. Normally I'd put in a word for Trey Dampier as well, but he's suspended razor sales for the time being.
I can't help with any advice as to where to get an inexpensive straight razor, although The Invisible Edge is a supplier from whom I've bought 2 razors & they certainly are lovingly and expertly restored. It's nice to have the intangible thrill of using a precision instrument which is 40 or 50 yrs old and still performing the task for which it was so elegantly designed and constructed perfectly.
When I started using an open razor I used to just shave my cheeks with it at first until I was more confident with it. I shaved the rest of my face with my usual Merkur slant. Biggest error I made was that whenever I relaxed and felt more comfortable with it I tended to allow the angle between the blade & skin increase ............... a sure recipe for bloodletting.
Hope you get a suitable blade & enjoy many years service from it.
If you want something cheap as chips with a great edge then Larry at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> might be worth a shot. $33 or less, shipped, will get you a very nice shaving edge. He also does super cheap stropping kits. His site is pretty much dedicated to newbies on budget wanting to give straights a shot. Not the prettiest razors but certainly great shavers.
For a good straight razor, keep an eye out on ebay for genco, you can get them for about £15-£20 on ebay, it might need honing of course.
I have approached Neil and he is going to sort me out with a razor and a strop, so I will let you know how it goes........................if I can internet in the Royal London Hospital........
missingskin said:
You're not exactly filling me with confidence here.......... :shock: :shock:
Don't worry too much, ears are very over rated, having 2 is just greedy really and they are only of use if you wear glasses :lol: :lol: