Spots/ingrown Hair Probems

+1 to Fusidin (but use sparingly and don't make it a habit as the skin will get thinner and more sensitive). Also, try Sudocrem which is fantastic but again to be used cautiously.

Whenever I have such red flareups and bumps it is invariably due to applying too much pressure, just let the razor glide across your face smoothly.
Cheers guys, I think a combination of too much pressure when shaving, baby fatigue & infection of the folicle. Have been given a course of antibiotics by GP as they felt infection is quite severe and cream would not be sufficient.

Going to stick to wtg shaves until skin in better condition and might invest in some barbecide.

Really glad I checked in here as the advice is always "spot" on.

All the very best to you and your wife on the new rascal, oops, I mean arrival. Our wee girl will turn four soon and I just cannot believe where those four years have gone. You seem to be sorted for spot treatment but I'll just echo the recommendation of witch hazel for regular use after all is cleared up. Sleep well!

Graeme :D
Congratulations to you and your wife on your new addition, as a father of three I can totally relate :heart:

I hope that problem with your face is on the mend by now.
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