Spots/ingrown Hair Probems

Hi all,

I have been quiet for a while now as I have recently welcomed my new daughter Ella into the world. Shattered but proud.

Having a lot of problems with large painful spots to my chin for some time now after a much improved skin after switching to DE shaving. Not sure if ingrown hair? Can't see the hair? Quite painful and seem to spread. I am using same brush, razor, blades and alum, aftershave and moisturiser.

Any advice welcome as I am 31 and feel like a spotty teenager.

Apologies for my poor input to the forum as of late.

Firstly congratulations!!

If you're tired and run down it won't help! But check out Mantics vids about ingrown hairs. It's worth just spending a bit more time preparing your skin and make sure you rinse it thoroughly afterwards to remove any lather residue.
Cheers, we are run down so probably not helping but spots started before the birth. I will try extra prep and rinsing. Thank you.

mattyb240 said:
Firstly congratulations!!

If you're tired and run down it won't help! But check out Mantics vids about ingrown hairs. It's worth just spending a bit more time preparing your skin and make sure you rinse it thoroughly afterwards to remove any lather residue.

Thank you I will try that. Where would you get your witch hazel?

Northam Saint said:
Many congratulations, from personal experience girls are hard work !!!

It may help getting some Witch Hazel and using it on some cotton wool to cleanse your face. I always shave in the morning but have used witch hazel in the evening.
Hi Craig, Congratulations mate. I've just returned home from the hospital with my 3 day old daughter and my beautiful (but truly knackered) wife, I know exactly how you feel!

I had a similar situation to you the other month, very painful spots which looked a lot like ingrown hairs, but seemed to be on or near the jawline or below the lip in the goatee area. I initially assumed it was a hygiene issue with me using vintage razors etc, so all of my shaving apparatus went into the Barbicide which ticked that box. I also began to wash my face with Nivea 'Deep cleansing' face wash in the evenings as well as mornings, regardless of whether or not I was going to shave.

These two measures seemed to do the trick, but alas, I can't pinpoint exactly which one did most for the problem. My gut feeling is that the added skin cleansing routine did the job.
Gigahurtz said:
Cheers, we are run down so probably not helping but spots started before the birth. I will try extra prep and rinsing. Thank you.

mattyb240 said:
Firstly congratulations!!

If you're tired and run down it won't help! But check out Mantics vids about ingrown hairs. It's worth just spending a bit more time preparing your skin and make sure you rinse it thoroughly afterwards to remove any lather residue.

Thank you I will try that. Where would you get your witch hazel?

Northam Saint said:
Many congratulations, from personal experience girls are hard work !!!

It may help getting some Witch Hazel and using it on some cotton wool to cleanse your face. I always shave in the morning but have used witch hazel in the evening.

Boots or any chemist, it's really cheap stuff. A couple of quid will buy you a decent sized bottle. Thayers make ones with an added scent, but they are a bit more and sometimes harder to get.
I wonder if, being a bit tired and distracted yourself, you're inadvertently applying pressure as you shave; it's something I find that I don't do if I'm concentrating, but, occasionally, if I'm distracted, I catch myself doing without realising.

Congratulations on your new arrival!
Every few days I use a Clinique face scrub / shave prep. It seems to stop any such nasties occurring on my face. It's a tad scrubby (probably not a word) so I only use it every few days.
Congrats to you too. My second daughter so even though used to this, Ella is a greedy baby. 9 1/2 ounce weight gain in 7 days.

FuzzySteve said:
Hi Craig, Congratulations mate. I've just returned home from the hospital with my 3 day old daughter and my beautiful (but truly knackered) wife, I know exactly how you feel!

I had a similar situation to you the other month, very painful spots which looked a lot like ingrown hairs, but seemed to be on or near the jawline or below the lip in the goatee area. I initially assumed it was a hygiene issue with me using vintage razors etc, so all of my shaving apparatus went into the Barbicide which ticked that box. I also began to wash my face with Nivea 'Deep cleansing' face wash in the evenings as well as mornings, regardless of whether or not I was going to shave.

These two measures seemed to do the trick, but alas, I can't pinpoint exactly which one did most for the problem. My gut feeling is that the added skin cleansing routine did the job.
I have been researching and now believe I may have an infection of the hair folicles on my chin which will require a prescription of Fucidin cream. The infection causes painful spots that last for days and spread to the surrounding skin causing futher painful spots.

Off to the doctor tomorrow. Thank you again for all the advice guys.

The spots have made me not want to shave at all. :-(
Congrats firstly! It's tough for the woman - that's why it's called 'labour' ;)

Go to the Doctor was my first reaction. If they are spreading this is not going to be a shaving issue. Just off some medication after something similar and really ought to have gone sooner. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Gigahurtz said:
I have been researching and now believe I may have an infection of the hair folicles on my chin which will require a prescription of Fucidin cream. The infection causes painful spots that last for days and spread to the surrounding skin causing futher painful spots.

Off to the doctor tomorrow. Thank you again for all the advice guys.

The spots have made me not want to shave at all. :-(

If you check my earlier post, you will see that I recommend Fusidin (Fusidic acid cream applied topically). It will clear it up in approx 2-3 days. Keep the remainder of the cream in the fridge and it will last a year without deterioration. Make sure that the infection is completely cleared before you stop using the cream, and don't use more than necessary. It's an antibiotic and there is always the risk of the little blighters that cause the infection acquiring immunity to the medicine.
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