Sound Advice?

As a complete and utter newbie, I'd agree - you could give me something cheaper and shave-ready and something ludicrously expensive and shave-ready. I'd probably do an equally cachu job with either. Down the line, when I may be able to tell more of a difference between the two I'd (hopefully) have the skill to shave well enough either.
My mileage does vary. Blade gap, exposure, torqued and slanted heads, all these allied to length of handle affecting leverage, overall weight, distribution of weight and similar factors all tend, for me, to individualise varying designs of razors. But then, as the extract quoted fairly said, YMMV.

JohnnyO. o/
Well my most used razor is my cheapest. I think you should not worry so much about material so much as head design and what will suit ykur face/beard the best. Research and buying and trying a few razors is the only way.

With straights of course a cheap blade id not going to be as good as a higher quality blade in terms of steel quality and edge retention.
Agreed but with the cavet of razor type eg Closed comb, open comb, slant etc

My aim has been to get the best example of each I can afford.

OC: R41 *tick
Closed: Gillette Superspeed *tick
Slant: Pending
SE (GEM blade): Ever Ready 1912 *tick
SE (Feather blade): RazoRock Hawk *tick
Adjustable: Merkur Futur *tick

Once I've the slant (might swap the Futur for a Parker...bit too big) then thats me for razors. I want to experience the different types, if I never did this then I'd still be shaving with the EJ89 and never have found the R41 suits me better.

Yeah so there might bit another SE better than the Hawk but I'm not (and can't) go splashing £150 only to find that functionality its practically the same. That money is filling the car with diesel for 6 weeks!

At best there might be slight differences because of blade gap, weight etc but really is that the difference between a good or bad shave? I've several closed combs that I have acquired and I can get a BBS with them all, I only select the Superspeed over the others because it looks nicer!

I did go on an ebay trip buying stuff but always come back to these core razors and even then mainly the R41. I do like a cheeky low bid on some, sometimes I can grab a bargain and flip it for a little much required cash.
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Agreed but with the cavet of razor type eg Closed comb, open comb, slant etc

My aim has been to get the best example of each I can afford.

OC: R41 *tick
Closed: Gillette Superspeed *tick
Slant: Pending
SE (GEM blade): Ever Ready 1912 *tick
SE (Feather blade): RazoRock Hawk *tick
Adjustable: Merkur Futur *tick

Once I've the slant (might swap the Futur for a Parker...bit too big) then thats me for razors. I want to experience the different types, if I never did this then I'd still be shaving with the EJ89 and never have found the R41 suits me better.

Yeah so there might bit another SE better than the Hawk but I'm not (and can't) go splashing £150 only to find that functionality its practically the same. That money is filling the car with diesel for 6 weeks!

At best there might be slight differences because of blade gap, weight etc but really is that the difference between a good or bad shave? I've several closed combs that I have acquired and I can get a BBS with them all, I only select the Superspeed over the others because it looks nicer!

I did go on an ebay trip buying stuff but always come back to these core razors and even then mainly the R41. I do like a cheeky low bid on some, sometimes I can grab a bargain and flip it for a little much required cash.
+ 1 on the R41 it's a great all rounder..i agree with your comments all my razors give me superb shaves, the R41 & fatip grande are my most aggressive but provide me with sublime silky smooth shaves, i couldn't justify why i should pay for a £150-200 razor when these suit me's down to personal choice i suppose..Regards.;)
...i do appreciate machined highly polished quality razors as much for their aesthetics and tactility as anything else but agree with most here...I get superb shaves from my R89, R41 and FaTip and at the moment mostly rotate thru these 3 razors. When jack frost is about I reach for the R89; if I need my shave to last over 10hrs then its the R41 but mostly its the FaTip I have been using this year and still admire how good it is...
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