SOTD w/c Sat 26 May to Fri 1 June


It's been a while since a morning shave. I actually got up 20 minutes early so I could have one!

Anyway, today's equipment was:

Weber DLC
Rapira (3)
Simpsons Emperor 2 Super
Clinique shave gel
Witch hazel
Clinique post shave balm

I'll have to give the Weber a full week's trial but blimey, what an opener.

If it continues to shave like this I can see why it gets all the plaudits. Utterly BBS and no nicks.

white proraso pre post
neo custom 2 band
Proraso Green Soap
FT rocket + shark SS (1)
Thayers superhazel
Proaso ASB

result: 2 passes + touch ups. Nice and cool.
Saturday "frech" shave:

L'Occitane CADE "Ovni" shaving soap + Vie&Long 16910 "two bands edition" + Feather Portable handle with open Muhle head 2010 and Gillette Bleue blade + Palmolive "Power of Nature" lotion with L'Occitane CADE balm

I had my skin a bit painful after a too "close" shave with a Slant so I decided to use more friendly razor heads last two days. This old Muhle razor head works very well, and when you combine it with this wonderful french soap what more I have to said, hehe

At 8:30am the post man knocked on the door........ the C.V.Heljestrand 4/8 is in my hands.

It's so small, and cute, but a beautifully made razor, see the size comparison by the 6/8 le dandy

Dont underestimate this razor, it looks like a toy but it's not.
It's still a straight razor only smaller !!!!!
Since it's in my hand....

Dove soap/hot face cloth prep
C.V.Heljestrand 4/8 MINI Straight
Thiers Issard brush
Bluebeards Revenge shaving cream
Geo.F.Trumper Skin Food to finish

Pritty good shave right out the box, it chomped through my beard no problem.
It lacks the wieght of bigger razors but still gives a good shave for something so small, not as close,as a bigger razor but comfortable I think the strop is calling...
Prep: Menscience face scrub
Razor: Futur (2.5)
Blade: Super Max Platinum Stainless (1)
Cream: Coate's Shaving Cream (i.e., the new one)
Balm: Shaveworks The Cool Fix
Cologne: GFT Limes
Audio: Candi Staton, Young Hearts Run Free

Too many new variables; both the cream and the blade were new to me today. The cream needed more water and the blade was sharper than I would normally use. The neck's covered in bloodspots. Also, I'd never really listened to the title track of Young Hearts Run Free before. It's not upbeat at all, it's a warning from an unhappy woman to younger lovers. I never knew that before, and I'd heard it 100 times.

On the plus side, the cast came off my broken leg yesterday and today I had my first shower in six weeks, plus the sun is shining and the Test Match is finely balanced. Life, eh?
Prep Simple face wash gel
Razor Feather AC - SS
Blade Feather Pro
Brush Simpson Chubby 1 in Super
Cream Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
Alum & Witch Hazel
L'Occitane Baux Balm
L'Occitane Cedre L'Atals Eau De Parfum


A truly superb shave, now off to the garden centre to pick up my runner beans, plus a few plants.


Merkur 34c
Shark SS
Semogue 2015
Vifrex Dopobarba

Thought it was gonna be a dodgy one due to a little sunburn on the face but got through just fine.
Prep: hot shower
Brush: Simpson Chubby 3
Razor: Iwisaki
Superlather: Dr Harris Almond + Proraso cream (original)
AS: Alcolado Glacio
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean

Alcolado Glacial's great and the mother of all menthol products

... and, of course some coffee today as well
One Planet moisturiser
Professor Blighty's Grapewood shaving soap
Merkur Progress on 1.5 with Supermax Super Platinum
Professor Blighty's Universal Shaving Balsalm in lime

Lovely shave. The soap is exactly the right fragrance for me today on this fine, sunny day. the Supermax blade I found in my miscellaneous blades box (didn't know I had this; looks like the only one) and gave a great shave in two passes. The balsalm is also really good and its pot almost empty so I may have to get it again in grapewood
Prep: L'Oreal face wash (bright orange one)
Cream: D R Harris almond
Brush: Edwin Jagger synthetic
Blade: Dorco 301/Superdrug
Razor: Boots
Post: Body Shop maca root razor relief.

Surprisingly good shave, I had to try the Boots DE and it's not bad at all. It's okay as a starter or holiday razor and does a good job despite using it with my least favourite blade.

Two passes, 1 WTG, 1 XTG.
my 1st shave with a straight
This one's for Mikael

After a couple of hours on a deck chair in the garden reading Stieg Larsson's "The Girl Who Played With Fire" this morning.

Crown & Eagle hollow ground (Mikael's walkabout straight) - unsure of size - let's just say small
EJ pure badger
RSC balm
Creed Aventus

Hadn't shaved since Tuesday and I have a thick heavy growth. Combined with being a complete beginner with a straight the razor rather struggled to get through my beard on the first pass (mighty tuggy and pully). I persevered and moved onto 2 ATG (neck) and XTG passes (face), plus touch up. Very passable DFS (BBS in large part, with a few rougher patches). Nick count 4 very shallow nicks stemmed with the cold water rinse.

All in all a pleasing first attempt and I think I could definitely get into this mode of shaving...3 cheers for Mikael!
Cheers Alex/shavecraft! It's really you that should have all the credit, shaving your first straight shave with such a heavy stubble and a full shave as well, man, you're tough Really, that's something, in my book. It's easier to shave if you haven't got to heavy stubble, especially the first times/month or so
Saturday, 26.v.2012

Predopobarba Vitos
Semogue 1800
Woods of Windsor shaving soap
Dovo Fritz-Bracht nº 6
MÜHLE R101 (2009)
Derby Extra
Thayer's Witch Hazel Lemon
Williams Aqua Velva

My first straight-razor shave!
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

Marshall Fields best (rebranded Simpsons)
Klar Kabinett SS (thanks Paul)
Barbershop Bay Rum AS
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (old black bottle version)

First time trying this pleasantly scented rose soap. Yeah, Paul sent out a large chunk and I stuck a thin slice to the bottom of a two cup Pyrex bowl and away I went.

Very good soap....I even like the scent. Not a sweet sorta rose frag, and strong enough not to get lost during the shave. Performance was quite good. Yep, a new item goes in the rotation. Thanks buddy!

BBS results,

muhle r41
supermax super platinum
shavemac #25 silvertip
old spice fresh lime AS
boots no7 post shave balm

a very close shave. a few weepers tonight, but cleared up with alum and cold water rinse. very little irritation and my skin feels really nice.