SOTD: Saturday February 18 - Friday 24 February 2023.

Thanks for the heads-up Chris, I have just ordered one which I will try after Fat February is out of the way!

Copied into the right week ....

Nice shave today with this lot. There's a Shark SS on its 3rd shave in the R45 and WilkinsonSword soap in the TF&H tub.

Hot wash, face lather, WTG, hot wash, face lather, ATG, cold wash and AS balm.

Skin is from this bug I've had and actually got a couple of tiny nicks where it's raised slightly and I didn't notice.

Nothing major though and a nice smooth shave overall...

I've been on a Fat crusade, only soap I have used since I started on the MWF was a shave with Signature Leodis to give me a break from being boring! I may chuck in a Signature Britannia shave tomorrow.

I have a Lupo .72 on the go loaded with a Bolzano blade, although, 3 shaves in and it's starting to dull slightly - Does the greater blade gap mean the edge has been more exposed and dulls quicker than in my fat-handled, flat-bottomed Brit Tech? No idea, but there has to be some physics at play there.

Anyhoo, my shaves with the MWF have all been excellent and as some others have noticed, the fat seems to lather far better when I use one of my boar brushes, soaked, then squeezed out for loading, then tons more added as I face lather.


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Tuesday 21st February

Soap • OSP Barber Shop
Brush • Yaqi Purple Haze Mew Brown
Razor • Razorock Hawk V3
Blade • Feather Pro (3)
Post • Paco Rabanne Aftershave

Everything as it should be. Good lather, sharp blade and a smooth razor.
The one improvement would be a Hawk 'A' plate, which would negate the necessity of tidy ups here and there.
Finished with Paco Rabanne and the jobs a good'un.
I like Desert Vetiver. Not in a way that I'd want to smell of it all day but it's a very nice scent for a shave. I'd say it's medium in strength. You can definitely make out the Vetiver in there and it's description of being warm is accurate.
I hated it at first, but it has grown on me. Had a splurge on SV soaps recently. Aside from FA, I love the scent of the Mirto de Sardegna. Surprisingly, the one I really don't like is the 70th.

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso.
Brush Haryali London Modern Black Silver Tip Badger hair Shaving Brush.
Soap Mitchell's Wool Fat
Razor Brass Stinger lvl 2 plate today.
Blade Feather.
Aftershave Brut.
I wanted to keep using the MWF in keeping with the theme for the month even though I was late to the party, but hey ho it's the thought that matters.
I thought I would try the MWF with the face lather technique instead of the bowl, I am pleased to report it produced a nice slick lather very quickly and provided yet another great shave.
My Stinger as usual was a real joy to use the weight and and feel in the hand is fantastic, it never fails to deliver a 2 pass BBS.
Quick rinse and then a dash of Brut to finish off an already excellent shave.
Enjoy the evening Gents.