SOTD: Saturday 8 - Friday 14 October 2022.

Prep: Face wash with Simple face wash
Pre: None
Razor: Rockwell 6S (6)
Blade: Gillette 7 o’clock yellow (4)
Brush: Alpha Outlaw
S Soap: Elysian - Pineapple Ambrosia
Post: Elysian - Pineapple Ambrosia AS

A lovely close shave but the blade has now been binned. Delightful scent on the Elysian soap splash combo and performance very much the same.

Great colour on the razor, is this a stock colour or did you custom colour it?

Sotd 08/10

Pre shave: PAA cube
Soap: PAA space nog ck6
Splash: PAA space nog
Balm: arko unscented
Alum bloc

Bowl: wet the face
Brush: Boti 30mm synthetic
Razor: Gillette slim adjustable
Blade: permasharp 2nd use

Great shave this morning went with some space nog and very nice scent I kinda get a sweet and like ginger nut biscuits also great shave with the slim and perfect paired with a permasharp
1st pass setting 9
2nd pass setting 8
3rd pass setting 6

Off out later, so I've left my shave until later in the day.

Haven't used the Lupo .72 for a while, so have popped in a Wizamet iridium to see how I go on seeing as I've left it late, so got plenty to take down.

Latigo splash has pretty good longevity, so going with that to give some residual smell later.


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My shave today consisted of,
My posh Obsidian bowl,
A Yaqi brush that's fast becoming my favourite,
Old Spice "Smell like a man" shaving cream
And my new SE Hawk V3 with regular plate.
Today's shave was a very next day shave, as I wanted to see if it could be used as a daily shaver.
Another nice smooth shave but I overdone it with a 3 pass shave, I gave myself some razor burn on my neck and some nics but that was purely down to over kill and seeing what can and can't be done.
Have a great day and be awesome.

Brush - Omega 10075
Soap - Kent Fat
Razor - Ball End Tech
Blade - Silver Star (5)
Post - Old Spice

I'm not really one to pick themes for my shaves, but for today's shave I was going to use the Italian made Old Spice (readily available on the UK high street) for the first time, I thought I should use some other time tested classics, including an Omega boar brush, The Fat, and my trusty old Ball End Tech.
Now onto the shave, the lather wasn't my finest I have made with the Fat, it was still fine enough. The blade was past it best though. After 2 passes there was a still a fair amount of stubble left on my face. The Silver Star is a fine blade, the first 3 shaves are excellent, then the performance drops off a cliff. I'm not one to stretch out blade life but some blades are at their best after a few shaves, others are at the best straight out of the gates, this blade is definitely in the latter camp.
I finished the shave with my new Old Spice acquisition, even though I am no stranger to Old Spice, I'd used the Indian made version sold in the plastic bottle before. There seem to be mixed reports of both versions, I've not used the Shulton version so I can't compare it to that, but the Indian plastic bottle version is a little stronger and richer than the Italian glass bottle version, but it's close enough to satisfy my urge for the Old Spice kick.

Anyway Gents, have a good weekend.

  • Saturday the 8th
  • Gillette Guard
  • Proraso sandalwood foam & aftershave balm
First use of the Guard following an impulsive purchase. Been hanging around the cartridge thread. Not used a disposable for donkeys.

As mentioned by others - a decent close shave. I had a little rawness on the jaw line, putting that down to poor technique with a disposable. What I really like is the angle of the head to the handle. Just works, and seems intuitive. For me anyway. The bonus being they are absolutely cheap as chips. I will persevere and work on nailing the shave.

I was getting itchy feet for spending some cash on an injector - as a Yorkshireman, this razor is has many advantages

Let me state out of the chute that I do not like this Contract Tech. I bought it for peanuts and it doesn't shave nearly as well as all the other Techs IMO. Little different angle and milder. I bought it for next to nothing years ago and rarely use it. I need to get rid of it.
Mike’s Natural Soap ‘orange,cedar wood,black pepper’
PAA Phantom aerolite 24mm
Eveready 1912
GEM coated #6
A&E L’Orange Verte AS

Very nice orange scented shave with a smooth result. The MNS is a tallow soap and has a lanolin and kokum butter content, would recommend to anyone to try. Will be switching to the Eveready Jewel razor and new blade next.