SOTD : Saturday 7th April - Friday 13th April 2018.

Late start today so plenty of time to enjoy the shave. Went back to good old 39c sledgehammer
after using my Mule Rocca and att se1 wow just forgot how good this razor is.

Prep shower usual gels and face wash
Myrsol emulsion pre shave great stuff
Brush first time use of this Yaqi for the price can't beat it
Soap Wickham 1912 Cashmere what can I say love it
Bowl bideford pottery
Razor 39c sledgehamme
Blade shark 1st use great blade for me but saying that all the blades I've used so far even feather having giving me great shaves
Post alum block and cold water rinse
A/S Wickham 1912 Cashmere balm
Looking good smelling even better


Yaqi Evil Zebra
Rockwell 6S
Voskhod (2)
Abatte Y La Mantia Don Jose
Alum Block, Myrsol Emulsion & Epsilon Blue Mediterranean

A very nice brush, ideal I think as it is a bit bigger than the Sagrada Familia and not as floppy as the Mysterious Space fan knot. Made little work of the Don Jose soap, superb soap and nice banana scented lather with a tickle of menthol.

Finished off nicely with some lovely Blue Mediterranean after shave.
How did you find the brush?

Hard to know where to start!
1) I love the handle. I have the same one with a tuxedo Knot. No imperfections and a lovely heft
2) Soft in use with enough backbone. Good performance on first use but undoubtedly will improve
3) I haven't noticed any hair loss all.
4) The price was ridiculously low. As you have already mentioned......approx £13 delivered.
If I had paid a LOT more for this brush....I would still have been happy!

This really has been the bargain of the year and to be honest I will probably end up buying more Yaqi products...based not only on cost......but also quality.
Sun 8th April

RazoRock Syn. 22mm
L`Occitane Cade soap
Schick "O Clone"
Schick Japanese Twin [ 5]
Pitralon Polar A/S Lotion

It is hard to explain just how easy it is to Shave with this Razor/Blade combo. With a good lather it moves so smoothly that it feels as though no blade is onboard, yet it clears growth with ease. Unlike other Razors it does not pull irrespective of where it is in use and whatever angle it is being used.

Today it seemed just too easy to be rewarded with a face stroking finish. I must check on my blade stock and limit their use to this Razor and the Schick N3. I reckon most of the original Razors are tucked away in the Bathrooms of Clean Shaven Japanese Gentlemen;).

Sotd - Saturday 7-04-18

Razor - Rockwell 6c (4)
blade - Polsilver SI (1)
soap - SV Tundra Artica
brush - Vie Long Anniversary two band LE
post - witch hazel
a/s - Vitos Tobacco
balm- Weleda
scent - Creed Tabarome parfum.

Result - f**k me that was good.

Do you ever get a shave where the planets align perfectly? Just wonderful. This was one for me. I had never used a Rockwell before. I picked it up as part of a trade - thanks again @Wayne Pritchard - what a razor. I now understand why they get so much love. It's the first DE I have used this year I think - such was my infatuation with vintage single edges but the Rockwell just works. Straight out of the box - no learning curve. Nice heft and hand feel - a standard thread handle that will do well with my Ikon heads - the 101 being my default travel razor. A quality bit of kit - punching well above its cost. It's quiet in operation but left me bbs in two passes. No need to polish my problem spots. For me a fantastic razor. I get the point now about the Rockwell. Helped no end by a bit of a bric a brac software approach. SV soap needs no further praise - undoubtedly expensive but worth it - fantastic for me. If I could just nail the scent down? Can't fault the performance. Top end stability of lather, slickness and glide. A soap that you could well just use with no post shave treatment - so good is the face feel - but where's the fun in that? First use of the Vitos Tobacco after shave - I wasn't initially keen on the way it smelt - but it goes on much nicer - it's quite sweet for a tobacco scent. My face liked it a lot though. The scent is quite ephemeral - fair enough - it went quickly - didn't interfere with the Creed. Nice. A fantastic shave - may all yours be that good - I.
I am so pleased to read that you like the Rockwell Iain.

Enjoy my friend. :)


Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Herder Constant Solingen Full Hollow 6/8th
Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel
Logona Mann Balm

I Had a Wonderful Shave Today with My Herder Solingen 6/8th..Built Like a Panzer Tank this Stainless Razor..As the Germans Would Say..Wunderbar..;)

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D:D

Congratulations on a stunning razor you have there Billy. :)
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Razor: Colonial General Brass
Blade: Schick Proline P30 #4
Soap: LPL Rose De Pushkar
Brush: Omega Boar
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel Rose
EDP: Rose of Bulgaria

This afternoons shave was inspired by @Blademonkey 's set up.
Great choice I must add. A lovely 3 pass BBS shave.

First use of the brush and I must say I am really impressed. It needs breaking in but already I know what is install for me.
A bold statement with such little use perhaps but I would say this is potentially the best boar I have had the fortune to try.
The knot is perfectly set and the tips are surprisingly soft straight out of the box.

Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday and your shaves Gentlemen. :)

Wickham Face Soap (Magnum), Boots Bowl Soap, Omega 49, RazoRock Bazooka, Astra SS (10), Barts Balm 'Balm', Barts Balm 'Lotion'

A fantastic shave from start to finish, with emphasis at the start and finish. The Wickham face soap is sublime, and will replace my hot towel preshave from hereonin. The shave itself was efficient and a pleasure, with the Barts Balm products rounding off a superb shave.

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