SOTD : Saturday 4th September to Friday 10th September 2021.

Pre - Pears Transparent Original Cold water Face wash
Brush - DS Cosmetics synth
Soap - Signature Soap Eboracum
Razor - Blackland Vector
Blade - Feather PB (1)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Floid Balm
A/S - Floïd SE Mentolado Vigaroso

Today i decided to use a new blade in the Vector instead of swapping out.
A very nice shave, everything working as it should with an exceptional lather today, so easy, all in all, leaving me clean and refreshed for the day.

Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
5 September

Signature Soaps Leodis
Cadman M55
Rockwell 6S (R4)
Feather Hi-stainless
Signature Soaps Leodis splash

What a wonderful shave, my Cadman brush is an expensive synthetic brush but worth every penny. It produced a truly spectacular lather this morning with the Leodis soap, and left the bathroom and me smelling of roses.
Much as I like my badger brushes, they lose every time, for me, against even an inexpensive modern synthetic. I shall be moving to using synthetics only from now on, and my expensive remaining badger brushes will be used for display or sold on… Lightbulb moment.

FACE OFF, (or hopefully not!)
Prep: Shower with Boot’s no. 7 exfoliating face wash.

Pre: None

Soap: Tabac

Brush: 24mm Oumobrush Silvertip in a Handmade Bog Oak Handle from Etsy.

Razor: Hone 15a on the right side, Hone 15 on the left.

Blade: Astra SP in both brand new.

Post: Alum, Bart’s balm aftershave balm sample.

Every since my son had seen me sneak the 2nd Hone into the bathroom he has asked me to compare them! (He’s all about science Experiments!) Hence I kept it all simple today, basic face prep, no preshave, Tabac as despite some views, you know you’ll get a good lather on the face and the same basic blades out the packs.
The outcome… I’ve got to say there’s barely anything in it. The weight of the original makes for a more traditional shave as the razor really does most of the work for you, 3 passes produced an irritation free shave, smoother than most I’ve had This week. The 15a had maybe marginally more blade feel but you barely feel the razor. There is a temptation to put some pressure on but in the most part I resisted. I got similar results maybe slightly less efficient but I can barely tell, you certainly can’t see it. I just feel slightly more stubble growth now later in the day, but it’s really marginal and not visible to the eye.
Overall I wouldn’t be without either. The lightness and manoeuvrability of the 15a makes it a better daily choice on work days but the weight and ever, ever so slightly more efficient shave I get from the 15 is ideal for weekends or when I have more time. These are not going in the BST!
Sun morning shave
Pre shave: PAA cube
Soap : crowne & crane Tobacco caramel
Balm : crowne & crane Tobacco caramel
Brush : Alpha rubberset
Razor : Karve stainless D plate
Blade: Gillette platinum 3rd use
Alum bloc

About a weeks worth of growth and the soap latherd really well and was a very dense and thirsty soap it just made loads of lather the scent was very mild it was pleasant but nothing really stood out the wife did approve so all good


Yesterday -

razor - Twig
blade - Nacet (4)
brush - Simpson P8 Phyl
soap - Proraso Sandalo
post - witch hazel
a/s - Epsilon blue
balm - none
scent - Essence Vault 481.

Great - what's not to like? It is probably worth remembering - as the dust settles on Tabac-geddon - that not all reformulations suck and are retrogressive. The Proraso Sandalo for instance. It went - in my opinion - from a decent soap for the money to a spankingly good one at the same price point. I don't think it is entirely coincidental that Proraso bought out Valobra - and their recipe books - just before this happened. Who knows? Enjoy your day - shave well - cheers - I.

Prep: hot shower
soap: vitos green
Razor: Stirling stainless hyper aggressive plate
Brush: declaration grooming b11 snowblivion
Blade: super shave x (2)
Post: razorock xxx as

another go with hyper aggressive plate. This time gave it nearly two days just to see how it copes with more growth …. And it didn’t disappoint. First pass dfs , second bbs… even the trouble spot was clean. It is a beast! Riding the cap does make it milder and reduces the blade feel - but lift it up a bit and you get insanely efficient beast with plenty of blade feel - any not so smooth surfaces on the face will get removed. One nick but nothing as big as last time - nicked a spot. Few surface weepers that closed on their own by the end of pass.

This razor is definitely a keeper. Beauty and beast in one. Intimidating but definitely a good skill improver - otherwise you pay the toll of blood.
SOTD 05-Sep

Prep: Warm shower
Brush: PAA Phantom
Soap: Fine American Blend
Razor: Ever Ready 1912
Blade: GEM PTFE (6)
Post: Cold Water and Barts Ben Nevis Lotion

Fantastic shave this morning, smooth and very close with the aid of the Ever Ready, simple bit of kit but it does the job exceptionally well.

Time for a wander over on to Anglesey with the family, might have to stop by the pub for some grub, be rude not to!

Hope everyone has a cracking day!



Happy Birthday.

Vie-Long Silvertip Brush.
AYLM Laureato Shaving Soap.
Ultra Rar BE-RA Safety Razor.
AYLM Laureato After Shave.
Ebenholz AS Balm.

BE-RA = Brothers Erich & Fritz Ebert Germany. German Patent 1936. Other Countrys Inventors with Josef Morschbach. (patent for the German Neo-Gam, Neo-Lux, Neo-Ras and Ebor razors)