SOTD: Saturday 4 May - Friday 10 May 2024.

Put the closed comb Fatip head on the Hawk V2 aluminium handle and got myself a smooth and close shave.
I had a haircut earlier today and wanted the shave to really round off the look.
Started with the Razer from the other day, then the Kleen Shave, but I wasn't feeling it. There's a lot of blade feel on this razor head and it just didn't feel smooth enough. I had not been let down by a Polsilver yet and today was no exception.

Just after the shave I took the photo then decided to swap the new-to-me Brut Oceans for Myrsol Plastic Shave. The rose of the PS complements the MdC and enjoyed the cooling menthol on this warm, sunny day.

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Fatip Piccolo SE
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium Modern
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Pre-Shave: Aleppo Soap 70% laurel
Lather: Martin de Candre Lavender
Aftershave: Myrsol Plastic Shave

Milky May

Thursday 9th May


Savonniere du Moulin Shaving Soap & DSC Neon w/Omega Pure Bristle (Short) 27mm
Muhle Rocca w/Souplex Bakelite Handle & Personna Platinum Chrome (German) (1)
Brut Splash-On

Giving my newly rehomed piggy a first proper run. Lovely! Superb knot in a not super handle.
Sublime SOTN (Head & Face)

Face - Yates 921 Head (H) on Yates Winning V2 SS handle, Ladas Super Steel
Head - Yates Winning V2 Ti, Gillette Nacet
Suits - Soap & Splash
Yaqi Caramel Cats Whiskers synthetic brush
Thayer's Coconut
Nivea Pro Sensitive Ultra Calming Balm

Best shave yet with the 921, I was struggling with the standard handle length but the Winning V2 makes for a great replacement, shorter length but about the same weight and width of the standard 921 handle so it still fits the inkwell stand - I hope Yates make them available for purchase separately. Winning V2 Ti continues to give fantastic dome shaves now I'm used to it.

The software is a new arrival to the den today, my first experience of using Azalea City Suds - I'm quite impressed. This limited run arranged in collaboration with The Wet Shaving Store and the Shave Dad group smells fantastic and check out that artwork

9 May

First post here! End of the day. Relaxed shave before sleep. Since I am from Serbia, here is, as it is written on it, "Legendary BRION", 72 year old shaving brand from "Dahlia Cosmetics". Every single household in former Socialist Yugoslavia had one inside bathroom. Loved by soldiers, worker class, intellectuals, everyone. This is "Brion shaving cream", and mister legend himself, "Brion aftershave lotion". Razor is Chezhoslovakian TTO Astra 901. Love it! Yaqi Sagrada Familia 22m
Can't say on here or everyone will want to own an Oren but lets just say this you won't be disappointed.

Marvel Studios Smile GIF by Disney+

Couldn't wait to get rid of mine. Couldn't be arsed with the need to go on a micro engineering course and the requirement of having the dexterity of a watch maker.

So I went with the Enoch instead where I can watch it fall apart and rip chunks out my face. At least I don't get to say, 'Fuck! Another screw lost down the sink'. I just get to enjoy styptic pencils, elastoplast and looking like one bloody hard geezer.
Fri 10
Soap & Aftershave RazoRock Mudder Focker
Brush Yaqi 24mm Robin Clear Handle
Razor Joh Engstrom Eskilstuna Frameback
Nice lather & scent from the soap, brush, and splash combination!
Enjoyed a lovely shave with this excellent razor. It has an awesome edge after being refreshed on the diamond balsa & HBA...
Couldn't wait to get rid of mine. Couldn't be arsed with the need to go on a micro engineering course and the requirement of having the dexterity of a watch maker.

So I went with the Enoch instead where I can watch it fall apart and rip chunks out my face. At least I don't get to say, 'Fuck! Another screw lost down the sink'. I just get to enjoy styptic pencils, elastoplast and looking like one bloody hard geezer.
That’s a shame Chris, I was looking forward to our first dance at the Christmas dinner. ;)
That’s a shame Chris, I was looking forward to our first dance at the Christmas dinner. ;)

It most certainly is.

I can still gate crash it and arrive as the tall ugly stranger. The one you'd want to waltz in to the night with.

Not as though you would miss me though. I'd be the one with a face full of plasters and strange white chalky marks which taste foul. If licking faces be your forte
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