SOTD Saturday 3rd December - Friday 9th December 2016.

image.jpg SOTD Sunday 4th December 2016

Razor...Bunny v3
Blade..Schick #1
Soap..Barrister & Mann Leviathan
Brush..Simogue 1305
Post..Thayers Lavender AF
EDP...L'Aventure AL Haramain

First shave with this Bunny and I must say I'm more than pleased with it and how it handles, it was an absolute pleasure to use and left me with a BBS finnish with zero irritation .
The B&M Leviathan scent is fantastic and the soap it's self is a top performer the 1305 whipping up a fantastic slick lather.
A great Sunday shave, feeling good, looking good.

Wishing you well. :)
View attachment 22467 SOTD Sunday 4th December 2016

Razor...Bunny v3
Blade..Schick #1
Soap..Barrister & Mann Leviathan
Brush..Simogue 1305
Post..Thayers Lavender AF
EDP...L'Aventure AL Haramain

First shave with this Bunny and I must say I'm more than pleased with it and how it handles, it was an absolute pleasure to use and left me with a BBS finnish with zero irritation .
The B&M Leviathan scent is fantastic and the soap it's self is a top performer the 1305 whipping up a fantastic slick lather.
A great Sunday shave, feeling good, looking good.

Wishing you well. :)
That's a good looking shave going on there...;)
Sunday shave
ATT R1 Kronos
Semogue 820
Castle forbes lavender cream sample(thank you @FrankieG)
Speick a/s lotion
Proraso a/s balm
Another shave, another Voskhod. The first time I used these blades I thought they were very good indeed. But now I'm not so sure. A two day growth today and it just about made it over the line...I'll keep trying
Enjoy your Sunday
Fifth shave with the RX Asylum yesterday. Finally what I can only call a great shave, it just worked which was a relief as I've only had two good shaves with this razor! Two days growth and using the Kai Protouch blade and the I Coloniali Rhubarb sample in the box, I was nervous it wouldn't be able to deal with the two days stubble very well, but it just worked. No irritation, no weepers, no nicks, just a great two pass shave. The cream was really nice, lathered up well, interesting scent which I couldn't really place and a small hint of menthol. Enjoyed the shave, at last :D
December 4, 2016
Mongoose B2 with Triad Ti
Feather Super Pro (4)
Rudy Vey RV7 with Shavemac Finest
PannaCrema Nuavia Rossa
Witch Hazel

A nice shave did brighten the otherwise rainy dreary morning. After making sure the brush was properly loaded, I face lathered slowly hydrating the soap as I went. The soft massage of the brush and the scent of Rossa made face lathering all the more enjoyable. After 2 passes, XTG & ATG, followed by some touch ups, I ended up with a near BBS. There is one spot on my lower right neck that usually gets me. Overall a great shave. I hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday.
Sun 4th Dec

RazoRock Plissoft 24mm
SE Claymore S/S single Edge
Kai Captain mild [ 2 ]
Alum rub/rinse off
Tuff Green A/S lotion

My first use of this Razor /blade combination was not wholly satisfactory, due to me being rather cautious when shaving ATG. Today was really very good, apart from my first weeper with this razor caused by me trying to get too close at the
edges of my mouth. I really am getting used to the way the larger head of the razor, covers more of the area to be shaved
than vintage SE s,finding it be ultra efficient on the cheeks.

Sunday 4th
Zenith 506A TS Synthetic
OSP Grapefruit & Menthol soap
Gillette Slim Adjustable #9
SuperMax Blue Diamond #3
Alum > Rinse > Alcolado Glacial
Nivea Cooling Balm

Refreshingly cooling menthol shave with the OSP, finished off with Alcolado splash. I'm also impressed in the SuperMax blade which will be used for a 4th outing in a couple of days. See you then.

Cream - Proraso Mentolo e Eucalipto
Brush - Edwin Jagger Medium Best Badger
Bowl - Steve Woodhead Ceramics
Razor - Merkur 34C HD
Blade - Feather #2
Post - Thayer's and Proraso Mentolo e Eucalipto a/s

I fancied the freeze today and thought I'd return to one of my early DE set-ups. Lovely, relaxed shave. Pairing the mild Der Merkur with the assertive Feather works well. In the early days, I used to get close, but very rough shaves with the Feather. However, using the adage of 'shave the lather...' is rewarding; smooth and irritation-free.

SOTD: Dusy Kabinett, T&H Wellington, Peroux Cognet 5/8", Witch Hazel, Styptic match & Savlon to finish

No picture today, it would have been too bloody! Had a little accident this morning, was using my newly acquired Peroux Cognet SR & hadnt even noticed the heel has a square point whereas all my other razors are rounded there, I'm sure you can see where this is going! Took a big old gouge out my left cheek, bloody deep and it stung like hell. Seems OK now but will leave a scar, that's a lesson learnt.
SOTD: Dusy Kabinett, T&H Wellington, Peroux Cognet 5/8", Witch Hazel, Styptic match & Savlon to finish

No picture today, it would have been too bloody! Had a little accident this morning, was using my newly acquired Peroux Cognet SR & hadnt even noticed the heel has a square point whereas all my other razors are rounded there, I'm sure you can see where this is going! Took a big old gouge out my left cheek, bloody deep and it stung like hell. Seems OK now but will leave a scar, that's a lesson learnt.
All part of the fun of learning:)

SOTD: 12/4/2016 - "Thoroughly Shaved"

Soap: Phoenix Shaving "To Be Franke"
Brush: Scott Pavkovich Brushworks 3-band "Ghost Trails" Badger
Razor: Phoenix Shaving Stainless DOC Evolution w/ Personnna Lab Blue (1)
Post: Soap Commander "Integrity" aftershave balm & HTGAM Bay Rum splash

THIS is what was in the box. This is a shave Effin would be proud of. The razor is NOT the original DOC. Very different experience. More on that later.

Be Smooth and shave it up, everyone!

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