SOTD: Saturday 31 December 2022. - Friday 6 January 2023.

Tue 3rd
Soap & Aftershave RazoRock XXX
Brush Yaqi 24mm Red Marble
Razor Gold Dollar 208
Very nice soap and matching splash. The lather is creamily thick and slick!
The razor for today's shave was put through the LaLune again, and it kinda improves. Smoother & slightly keener. Due to time constraints...only 2 passes but managed a bbs-ccs finish...not bad at all!

SOTD: 3rd January 2023.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Palmolive Naturals Olive & Milk Bar Soap.
Brush: Anbbas 24mm Tuxedo synthetic.
Lather: Eco Warrior Bergamot & Lime Shaving Bar.
Blade: Lancet Super Platinum. (D1)
Frankenrazor: Yaqi DOC Head / Schmidt R10 Handle.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse/Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Yelken Turkish Lemon Eau De Cologne./ Cien Aloe Vera Body Lotion.


It's also been a while since i last added the the Eco Warrior shaving bar to my soap rotation which performed wonderfully producing a slick protective lather in a short space of time.

The soap has a pleasant scent, a good texture it's protective, slick and most importantly the lather doesn't dissipate or dry out on the face in between each pass, leaving an impressive post shave feel.

An enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Cien Aloe Vera Body Lotion.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.
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I'm no expert in brush handle restoration Iain.
But, I've had some experience with car bodywork repair.
I would consider rubbing it down with emery paper, and re-painting with Airfix model paint (Bomber Green might be a good match?)
Followed by a couple of layers of Collinite 476 car wax, to help protect the paint in future.
What do you think @pjgh ?
SOTD 03-Jan

Brush: DG B15
Soap: Black Watch
Razor: Gillette Slim (6)
Blade: GSB (1)
Post: Black Watch AS

Excellent shave, smooth yet efficient, one of few adjustable I've tried that I really get on with. Decent weight and a longish handle, nice comfortable shave regardless of the setting, but hits the sweet spot for me at around 6 or 7, glad I got it!

Well time to get off my arse and get back to work, mores the pity, I was getting used to chilling, just have to win the lottery...oh and play it.

Hope everyone has a grand day!


Yup, I reported my little piggy as looking a bit worse for wear. Currently it’s been put away as like you I don’t want water to see in between the paint that’s left and the wood. It’s been suggested to take the paint off, sand it down a bit and apply a couple of coats of wood danish oil. For me that’s more of a warm weather project so have it in mind to do in the spring. I’m loath to lose the brush as it’s fairly new and just starting to come good.
SOTD: 03/01/2023

Razor: Rockwell 6s #3
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue, 3rd use
Brush: Semogue 620 Excelsior Boar Brush
Bowl: Face Lather
Soap: Body Shop Maca Root Croap
Aftershave: Razorock Blue Barbershop Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Blue Balm
Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of An Old School Rockabilly Playlist
Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Er, You Are Not Going To Wear That Out In Public Are You?

The paint on my brush split after two uses from new. I did leave it in soak though for a couple of hours before use to soften up the bristles. I wonder if it’s the green colour that is the problem. I’m going to leave it, it’s starting to look vintage and I can’t be arsed to fiddle with it. Still works fine as the knot is well embedded.
3 January
Gave the GEM Junior 1912 a whirl. Fitted a new GEM SE blade applied Mitchell’s Wool Fat with Culmak Spartan and boy what a whirl!
A combination made in shaving heaven, one pass and pick ups for a close smooth finish but some irritation after the alum block sweep.
Have a fine day fellas!

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