SOTD: Saturday 30th September - Friday 5th October 2017

North East.UK
SOTD: 30th September 2017.
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Cien~ Green Kick Shower Gel & Shampoo.


warm wet flannel to my face.

Wilkinsons Fruits ~ Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Chinese Synthetic .

Face Lather.

Soap : MWF .

Blade: Lord Platinum Class . (1)

Razor: Lord L125 .

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Alum Block./Lemon+Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture. / Dana ~ English Leather A/S.

Boots ~ Essentials Moisturising Lotion.


Two new DE razor maiden shaves in my weekend SOTD'S.. , firstly with the Lord L125 razor & Platinum Class blade, which is last of the shaving kit kindly passed on to me by a work mate of mine.The verdict?....

The L125 is a light weighted mild aluminum handled non-aggressive razor,very like my aluminum Gillette tech,(with a longer handle & more efficient) with a ( /Merkur/Muhle R89/EJ DE 89 head),which makes the razor 'head-heavy' but that's a good point IMHO.

The blade alignment i had no issues with. The Lord Platinum class blade was excellent,it paired up really well with the razor,non-aggressive, but Sharp & smooth.

The finish quality of the razor isn't the best, but what do you expect from a inexpensive razor, in my case it's cost me £0.00p.

For it's maiden shave i can't complain..i don't compare razors, to me, all of my razors have qualities, granted some are better than others ,i may try the razor-head with a heavier handle(a possible good frankenrazor?) on it's next outing, but today the L125 /with the matching Lord Platinum class blade gave me a safe comfortable irritation free shave, which i'm very happy with. What more could i ask for.

A wonderful non-aggressive 3 pass + pick ups DFS, with no errors to report.

Another excellent addition to my growing DE razor collection.

My face is feeling smooth & smelling devine.;)

Enjoy the start of the weekend, ladies & gentlemen.:cool:

Pre-Shave: @khun_diddy Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: RazoRock MJ90-A
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Paladin Chief Strawberry Amber
Lather: Mystic Water Jeff's Lavender
Post-Shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, Australian Emu Oil​
image.jpg ~SOTD~ September 30th Saturday

Prep....Shower ~Donkey milk soap
Razor....Ever-Ready 1912 Sun Ray
Blade....Ever-Ready Corrux NOS
Soap....Speick Soap stick
Brush....Brad Sears ~ Gonzo
Post....BBA Post Shave Balm
Scent... Chanel Allure

A wonderful shave to finnish the month with my ER 1912 Sun Ray and Corrux blade, freshly stropped.
I face lathered today with a stick of Speick and the super soft Gonzo.
I was left as smooth as can be with no irritation, a spot of BBA PSB to finnish off followed by a body spray of Chanel Allure.
Looking good, smelling great! :)

Have a great weekend people.......:)
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30/9/2017 (am)

My last SE shave for SEptember................

Prep: Warm water rinse
Brush: Maseto 30mm Finest Badger
Shaving Soap: Fine American Blend
Razor: RazoRock Hawk /Maggard MR6 handle
Blade: Feather Pro
Post shave: Cold water rinse, Fine American Blend After Shave

Have a great weekend!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Herder Constant Solingen Full Hollow 6/8th
Fitchard Pure Badger
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel
Logona Mann Balm

I Had a Cracking Shave this Morning with My Herder Solingen 6/8th..Another Fantastic Example of a Vintage Stainless Blade..Takes & Holds One Spectacular Edge..One of the Early SRs I Bought & I Love it to Bits..She Sports a 20 K Surgical Black Arkie Edge..o_O

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D:D

Sat 30th Sept
Stirling Syn. 26mm
Brass General/Windrose handle
Feather Pro [ 2 ]
Alum Rub/rinse off
Myrsol Antesol A/S lotion

Have finally settled on a handle that works for me with the Brass General.Though the original did not slip, I find that I am more confident using it with a knurled handle which I can wield with precision. I note Colonial will be using a similar style handle on the new S/S model.

The Shave today was really good as being able to vary the grip on the the handle enabled me to do the lightest polishing up strokes to attain a super close all round shave. If the S/S Model shaves as well as this it is going to be a real bargain compared with other S/S offerings.

Pre: Warm water face wash
Brush: Omega 11137 Boar
Soap: MWF
Razor: Cobra Classic
Blade: Schick P-20
Post: Warm then cold water rinse, TOBS Sandalwood AS

Well SEptember has gone out with a bang, what a fantastic sexy looking, well balanced shaving machine the Cobra is (many thanks to @Digimonkey for the loan) My phone camera does the razor no favours at all.
The Schick Proline blade, too mild for the Brass General, effortlessly swept down the stubble. I think I could shave blindfolded with this combo, okay, okay, in a badly lit room.
For some reason this song came to mind whilst shaving:
Greetings All,

Saturday shave.

Two days' growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: None
Soap: Fine – Platinum
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable (I3) setting 4
Blade: Polsilver (4th)
Brush:Razorock 400 Noir (face lather)

Post Shave: Cold water rinse, shower, then Proraso aftershave lotion (Red) and Nivea Original balm.

I have enjoyed my week using my Gillette Slim Adjustable – definitely a keeper. Today, using my Razorock 400, I whipped up a great, slick lather with the Fine Platinum (grated into a tub). Two passes today (WTG and XTG) and feeling good for the weekend.



Everyone – have a great weekend :)
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