SOTD: Saturday 29th June - Friday 5th July 2019.

Date:- 05 July 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Brush:- Edwin Jagger Synth. v2.0 Silvertip Fibre Faux Horn 25/58mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Wickham 1912 ~ English Rose
Razor/Blade:- Razorock Mission / Polsilver Super Iridium #7
Post-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Tabac

Prep ~ MWF Soap
Razor ~ Rex Ambassador set to 3
Blade ~ Wizamet Polisilver Stainless
Soap ~ MWF "The Fat"
Brush ~ Brad Sears - Gonzo
Post ~ Barts - Lavender aftershave lotion
Scent ~ Aqua Clasica - Borsari EdC

I'm loving the Rex Ambassador, a wonderful razor! I was left with a super close but comfortable shave helped along by the super slick MWF.

Have a great day folks......P.
Fri 5th July

Simpson Chubby 1 / Maggards 2band
Vitos Super Red
PAL Injecto Matic
Schick Proline [ 6]
Alcolado Glacial A/S Splash

Today I switched from the use of a Twin Blade to a Single, in this British made Razor which has been called
a "Schick Buster". It is one of my favourite Vintage Injectors , and find that I get smooth trouble free close shaves with one.
I used my gifted Simpson /Maggards Brush which may be on the small side but worked up a great lather with the Vitos, without the handle getting too slippery. Every Injector user should try one of these Razors, I note there are a few up or grabs in a popular market place.


I feel they're also very comfortable and secure razors to use. I have the Golden black handle one, and another with the cream coloured ribbed handle, red neck and chrome/silver head. I find the latter one the more comfortable. The angled bottom part, I think, isn't an affectation. If I hold the razor between thumb, Index and middle fingers, my fourth seems to rest naturally on the end of the razor, ensuring the optimal angle. Of course, I may be talking bollocks, and it's all coincidence .
I regret passing on some Black Handle ones, I have one NOS set left. They might cost a bit more than some Schicks but they
really are good.
Friday 5th of July

Soap - Lea Cream
Brush - Omega 80265
Razor - Fat Handle Tech
Blade - Permasharp SS (1)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Brut Oceans

Aside from a new Permasharp compared to yesterday's Nacet, the ingredients of today's shave were exactly the same as yesterday's as the intentions are to compare 2 of my favourite blades to see which I prefer. I expected the Nacet to be sharper but I was wrong, the Permasharp was far sharper today almost a bit rough and I could feel the AS burn a fair amount more than with yesterday's shave with the Nacet. The results were superb though.
I realised how difficult it is to compare blades though, as I remembered both blades in question take a few shaves to settle before they reach their best and it'll be difficult to keep the other variables fixed for the other shaves.
Back to the blades, the Permasharp blade I used was double wrapped with 4 very large glue spots, the previous pack of 5 I used was single wrapped with 2 small glue spots. Gillette/PPI really do seem change things on a regular basis!

Anyway chaps, have a good Friday. The week is almost over.....