SOTD: Saturday 28th December 2019 - Friday 4th January 2020.

SOTD 29/12 - Alpha Shaving Outlaw Arctic Fox Synthetic, Wickham 1912 Scottish Heather, Rex Supply Co. Envoy, Gillette Red Stainless, Boots Cucumber Facial Toner & Moisturiser, Kiton Black

The Fat
Yaqi Red Marble Tuxedo 24mm synth
Face lather
MÜHLE R41 on iKon steel handle
Gillette Silver Blue
Thayer's Lavender and Aloe Vera
Proraso M&E after shave

A lovely shave today. MWF is a fine soap; although (imo) it doesn't perform just as well as P&B, OSP or Tabac. I do appreciate that, for some, it's the holy grail of soaps; but, there it is. Mileage, and all that.

SOTD 12/29/19

My vintage razor a day shaving exercise is rapidly drawing to a close. On this 29th day of Decadent December I selected a NOS LaResche 901 safety razor and had a bit of a rough go. The razor was made in the 1960s and marked the beginning of the end for LaResche safety razor production. The open comb had a few bent teeth requiring straightening, and just did not seem to even begin to approach the quality level of the 51 or their masterpiece, the 77. The razor had a relatively narrow sweet spot, and only seemed to perform decently when riding the cap. The result was an acceptable DFS with a few minor weepers that did not require the styptic. The alum block settled things down nicely. The Gillette Pure shave cream is a nice product and lathered up beautifully, and did it's job well. I feel clean and refreshed, but not particularly smooth.

RAZOR: LaResche 901
BLADE: Suneko
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with PAA's Charcoal-Menthol Cube Preshave Soap
BRUSH: Viking Silvertip Badger
POSTSHAVE: Cold water rinse followed by Thayers Lavender WH and finished with Fine Lavender Pour Homme
Sunday 29th December

Soap Lea Stick (Newer Formula)
Brush Zenith Synthetic
Razor Karve Brass SB C Plate
Blade SuperMax Blue Diamond Titanium (3)
Post Brut Sport Style Aftershave

Another perfectly smooth shave from the Karve/SuperMax combo.
I've shunned these blades for quite a while as I found them to be rough in some razors.
This is a pairing I will definitely re-visit in the future.
Pre: Proraso Green
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Voskhod Teflon (3)
Brush: Razorock Plissoft 24 Barber
Soap: Martin de Candre Fougere (sample)
Post: Homemade Witch Hazel with Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil​
Balm: Maca Root Aloe Gel​
Comfortable 3 pass shave this morning. Been experimenting with different blades to find a perfect match for the Feather razor, Voskhod is very smooth indeed although looking in the mirror this afternoon I noticed it's not quite as close a shave as I thought. I very rarely get absolute BBS as my neck is prone to irritation but I'd like to get a fraction closer to be honest.​
Decided to try some top end soap samples from the excellent Shavedash, all I can say about Martin de Candre is wow! Been wanting to try it for ages and after using it this morning I'm pretty much decided that I'll be buying a jar of it when my soap stash reduces to an acceptable level.​
Enjoy your evening.​
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