SOTD: Saturday 28th December 2019 - Friday 4th January 2020.

SOTD : 31st December 2019.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Imperial Leather ~ Sea Minerals & Black Mint Shower Gel.


Warm wet flannel to my face.

Pears ~ Transparent Soap.

Brush: Yaqi ~ 24mm Sagrada Familia.

Face Lather.

Soap: Pheonix & Beau ~ Star Noir.

Blade: Gillette Winner.(1)

Razor: Parker Variant. (Settings) wtg 2.5,xtg 2.5,wtg + Pick Ups 3.


Cold Water Face Rinse./Homemade Lavender + Tea Tree Oil Witch Hazel Mixture./ Dana ~ English Leather ASL.

Wilko Men's ~ Aftershave Balm.


(new years eve shave)

Last shave of 2019...

I have many wonderful razors in my humble de razor collection, but for overall performance, smoothness & efficiency this year alone the parker variant has provided me with some of the best shaves to date..However the fairly recent acquired Parker Semi-Slant 55SL is a very close second..Both superb de razors that i highly recommend.

Paired together with the Gillette winner de blade another superb indian made shaving product resulted in a pleasurable 3 pass + pick ups BBS shave with no errors to report.

Finishing to the shave off with a generous dollop of Wilko Men's ~ Aftershave Balm.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling devine.

Keep safe and enjoy the new year's eve celebrations this evening ladies & gentlemen.

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End of 2019 shave

Gillette Aristocrat Jr. & Feather
26mm soft + weak backbone synth
Extro Tobacco

This has been my setup for nearly 2 months now. Consistently wonderful results. Shaving every two days, blades are used twice before being discarded. Three passes per shave.

This year may never return again but some of its profoundly sad memories will take long time to be forgotten, if they ever do.

SOTD Tuesday 31st December 2019

Pre-shave - Hot shower / Acqua Di Parma Colonia Shower Gel, Shampoo and Conditioner / Nivea Sensitive Face Wash / Proraso Green pre-shave cream
Brush - Stirling Soap Company Finest Badger
Cream - Acqua Di Parma Colonia
Razor / Blade - OneBlade Genesis / Feather FHS (2)
Post-shave - Thayers Cucumber / Nivea 2 Phase / Acqua Di Parma Colonia body cream
EdC - Acqua Di Parma Colonia

Final shave of 2019, which also happens to be a birthday shave, so it's something a bit special.

I hope 2020 brings you all happiness and top shaves!

All the Best!


SOTD 12/31/19

For my final Lavender (SWMBO returns this PM) vintage shave of Decadent December, I selected one of my French razors, the Spadson. This ended up being one of the most aggressive safety razor shaves in my experience. I own an R41, but that razor was a walk in the park compared to the Spadson. This razor was all blade feel, and sliced through my whiskers magnificently. It required a highly technical shave requiring me to ride the cap throughout the two pass three weeper BBS it delivered to my face and noggin. The weepers were on the back of my dome, and reflected my inability due to my arthritis to keep the angle correct on the back of my head. I look forward to tomorrow's shave. I plan to spend a week with each safety razor I select this next month. I also plan to use MWF throughout January.

RAZOR: Spadson
BLADE: Suneko
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with PAA's Charcoal-Menthol CubePreshave Soap
BRUSH: Viking Silvertip Badger
CREAM: Gillette Pure
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with Glyce Glycerin soap followed by ThayersLavender WH and finished with Fine Lavender Pour Homme AS Splash
Happy birthday!