SOTD : Saturday 28st August to Friday 03th September 2021

Mining Camp Shave

Barrister Reserve Cool soap, Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Brush: Shavemac 3-band Silvertip Badger
Cream: Musgo Real Spiced Citrus
Razor: Merkur Futur (2)
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
Post: Proraso Green Aftershave Lotion, Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Scent: D.R. Harris Arlington Cologne
Belated Happy Birthday!
Lovely to see you back
Sept Slant Wed 1st SOTD
Soap Stirling Baker Street
Brush Spiffo 28mm Manchurian
Razor Parker SemiSlant
Blade Vintage Polsilver Super Stainless 6th
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + TGS Abysso
Stirling Sept soap too! Lovely scent, creamy and slick lather...just wonderful!
Wonderful shave with the razor paired with this blade too. 3 smooth and comfortable passes for a mostly bbs finish. The blade is still ok. Aftershaves were awesome too.
SOTD 01-Sep

Prep: Warm shower
Brush: C&H 'Casanova' Fanchurian
Soap: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato
Razor: Blackland Blackbird
Blade: Dorco Titan (1)
Post: Cold Water and A&E Barbiere Sofisticato

Straight forward shave this morning, it's been a while so thought I'd revisit the titan, not bad, not great, but we'll see how it progresses through use. Good enough finish for home desk work so can't complain.

Hope everyone has a grand day!

