SOTD : Saturday 27th April - Friday 3th May

Happy Birthday !

SOTD : 28th April 2019.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Hot shower:/ L'OREAL ~ Mountain Water Shower Gel.


Cold wet flannel to my face.

Pears ~ Transparent Lemon Flower Soap.

Brush: Anbbas Boar.

Bowl Lather.

Uber/Superlather: Williams Mug Shaving Soap /Derby Lemon Shave Cream + 6 Drops of Glycerin + 6-8 drops of Essential Lemon ,Peppermint & Eucalyptus Oil.

Blade: Feather Hi Stainless .(1)

Razor: Aluminum Handle Gillette Tech.

Cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Cold Water Face Rinse./Homemade menthol crystals +Eucalyptus peppermint,+ Tea Tree Oil Witch Hazel Mixture./ Selin ~ Turkish Lemon Cologne.

Morrisons ~ Intensive Moisture Lotion.


Another relaxing Williams Uber/Superlather sunday morning shave...Over the last few days i've developed a stinking head cold and my sinuses are driving me crazy.The addition of the peppermint lemon oil, & eucalyptus oil gave the superlather a wonderful zesty vibrant cooling kick which is excellent way to wake up your face sensors & clear your sinuses.

When i first started out in traditional wet shaving before learning my technique and building up my shaving confidence i was carelessly stupid enough to dive in at the deep end and shave with a feather blade, showing it no respect, the result was not a very nice experience,which put me off feather blades, thinking i'd bought a dodgy batch and left it at that,leaving the rest the blades in their box, never seeing the light of day again.

I've learn't that it was my total lack of experience,technique & ignorance which 100% contributed to the first time horrible use of a feather hi blade, making me shy away from them, since then however my technique, shaving confidence and wet shaving experience is somewhat much better, i came across a unopened 5 pack of Feather Hi Stainless Blades, which to be honest after my ruthless den clean out last year i thought i had either handed them on to my wet shaving friends or discarded them to the DE razor blade graveyard recycle bin Anyway, with a considerable amount of thought i'd give them another try starting with non-aggressive razors that i know pair up well with aggressive blades.

Starting with the mild aluminum handle gillette tech which matched up excellently with the Feather making a non-aggressive but smooth assertive duo.. I was pleasantly surprised how smooth the feather was, i've learn't with experience that aggressive blades pair well with non-aggressive razors & vice versa.

My first reluctant re-introduction shave with the Feather Hi Stainless Blade was a successful one.

All my practicing and learning my technique and showing respect to my razors has paid me back with great rewards resulting in a effortless near bbs enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report.

i've never been on a quest to get a perfect 'BBS' shave every time i shave, my aim is to get enjoyable comfortable no-error ones,once in a while however,i do get what i consider a 'bbs' shave,today was a acceptable smooth enjoyable one.

Finishing the shave off with a generous dollop of Morrisons ~ Intensive Moisture Lotion.

My face is feeling smooth & smelling devine.

Enjoy your sunday, ladies & gentlemen.
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Date:- 28 April 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Edwin Jagger Synth. v2.0 Silvertip Fibre Faux Horn 25/58mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Wholly Kaw ~ La Fougère Parfaite
Razor/Blade:- Gillette Red Tip (0.66mm) E1 1959 US / Vintage NOS Gillette Bleue Extra #12
Post-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20), Tea Tree Antiseptic (10), Lavender (15) & Peppermint (10 drops)
Fragrance:- Hugo Boss (Original)

Two Pass Shaving Routine...

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Puma 91 Solingen Full Hollow 6/8th
Pure Badger
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I Had a Belter of a Shave Today with My Puma Solingen 6/8th.Sporting a Very Keen 17 K Escher Thuri Edge..I Am in Love with the Look of these German Panzer Tank Camo Lookalike Scales..1 st Class Shaver..Wunderbar..


+1 on that handle, Billy
Sun 28th April

Vulfix404 mixed
Vitos Super Red
PAL S/S Adjustable
Schick S/S Single - Japan [ 4 ]
Jaguar Prestige A/S Lotion

No SOTD yesterday, though I shaved I went out early and as the Shave was a bit disappointing, was not minded to put in a report.As going out again today I decided on a simple set up up, which I thought would be good. The Brush/Soap work so well together that a great shaving lather is produced without effort. The rich creamy Vitos lather is a great one for any Razor to work on , and the PAL on a mid point setting was very smooth and eliminated any growth with ease, and the overall quality of finish was excellent. Now for a quick Shower and off out, but at least no drive on the M25 today !.

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