SOTD: Saturday 26 November - Friday 2 December 2022.

Saturday 26th November

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Ingrams (Egypt) Shaving Cream & ABW Scanlon w/Cashmere Synthetic 24mm
Personna Double Edge & Personna Comfort Coated (3)
Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum

Since the re-release of Ingrams is an unmitigated disaster, I did a spot of panic-buying and bought in a tube of the Egyptian stuff in case that gets lost in any future ownership battles. Ingrams was practically the first shaving cream that I bought, maybe a day or two into my traditional shaving journey and it really is superb! The Egyptian one, that is ...

What a fantastic pairing the super-sharp Personna Comfort Coated is in this vintage Personna Tech clone. Like the cover-version appreciation thread, we should have a razor clone appreciation thread because Personna didn't just copy the Gillette Tech and pop a couple of slots into the posts so that you couldn't mix and match with Gillette but they nipped up a few of the dimensions and made it quite literally perfect! Perfect for a sharp blade, that is as I have been left wanting with a milder blade since the blade gap and the blade presentation are so slight that you'd be forgiven in thinking it was a mild razor - not so; it is smooth, smooth and smooth with a capital SMOO. Face-turbating now, it really was a close shave and off my usual single pass it's beyond DFS and heading right for baby-smooth. Two passes would get that, certainly three.

... and what a joy it is to splash that VIBR burn on after an Ingrams face-freeze!
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My Japanese isn’t quite up to it but do you have any idea what these chicks are singing about? Or maybe there’s a group doing an English cover version for us to watch? Just wondering

Do I have any idea? Only when the guitarist shouts 'We are Otoboke beaver'.

Otherwise my Japanese is shite, but do I care? Not at all. I have all their albums, seen them live and just love their mad music and attitude. They are truly bonkers.

An English cover band? I'd be gutted if one existed.

SOTD: 27th November 2022.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Nivea Men Power Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Palmolive Naturals Olive & Milk Bar Soap.
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Brown Synthetic. (Faux Horse)
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Omega Eucalyptus Shaving Cream.
Frankenrazor: Yaqi DOC Head / Schmidt R10 Handle.
Blade: Lancet Super Platinum. (D2)

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Alum Rub. /Cold Water Rinse. / Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. /Nivea Men Replenishing PSB. /Milton Lloyd Essentials No9 EdP.

A relaxing Sunday morning shave.

It's been a while since i last used the Omega shaving cream and forgot how much easy it is to create a slick protective lather, with a good kick from the Eucalyptus oil to give my ageing face sensors a vibrant winter morning wakeup call!

The Lancet Super Platinum continues to impress me with its smooth efficiency.

A comfortable 2 pass + pick-ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small squirts of Milton Lloyd Essentials No9 EdP to the pulse points.

My face is feeling cool, smooth & smelling divine.

Stay Safe and enjoy your Sunday Ladies & Gentlemen.