SOTD : Saturday 25 th - Friday 31th May 2019

Tue 28th May

RazoRock Syn. 24mm
P & B Pall Mall
Ever Ready "Streamline"
Gem S/S [ 5 ]
Floid Vigoroso A/S Lotion

I finished this rotation off with one of my favourite Razors. The Shave was not only smooth and comfortable but the finish was what I expect from a "Streamline" - Top Notch and Face Stroking. It Is a Razor that I recommend but only if the price is right. I am after a user grade one to make up a set.


Two Pass Shaving Routine...

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Otto Busch World Master Solingen Full Hollow 6/8th
Hans Baier Silver Tip
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I Had a Shave this Morning with My Otto Busch World Master 6/8th...It Delivered a Very Close & Uber Smooth Effortless Result as Usual..Wunderbar..

I Am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..


'An xxx rated shave' was the theme for this day's bristle removing exercise.

An orgasmic razor - Ikon B1 SB
DP (Double edge Polsilver) - Polsilver Lodz
Fluffer - Razorock Plissoft 400
The money shot - L'Occitane Cade cream
S&M (Smooth & Moisturisering) - L'Occitane Cade aftershave

Much the same as my previous two SOTD's as I don't have anything else with me, but not to say I am not enjoying my shaves because I am. These items are all class acts and their performances hotter than a Chasey Lain movie set.

I have not shaven for a few days due to work but how damn fine to have a bit of me time and clean away that unkempt feeling one gets not shaving for a few days. This lifted my spirits no end and feeling great.

Smoother than an adult film actresses bottom and far more exhilarating.

An orgasmic shave if ever

Have wonderful shaves for what remains of the week and be well one and all

I doubt very much now. A hot coco and a chocolate biscuit is about as close as it gets. Oh and a shave

Brush - Omega 49
Pre - Wilko Oil
Razor - RR Game Changer 0.84
Blade - GSB (3)
Soap - TOBS Eton
ASB - Boots Freshwood
ASL - Boots Freshwood
Bowl - Giles & Co

No new items today. All are known knowns! I need to look reasonably presentable tomorrow.

I bowl lathered the Eton and had plenty for three passes. Another very comfortable shave with a BBS finish today. I'm now a big fan of the Boots Freshwood and it's great value for the money. The balm is superb.

I'm planning on using the same set-up on Thursday with a Sputnik blade which is the final untested PPI blade in my collection. Hopefully I enjoy it ...... I have 120 of them!

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