SOTD: Saturday 24 - 30 September 2022.

Clown Puke & Monkey Farts - made my day Dave !!
Thanks Paul, There's a story behind the brush name. When Sorrentino poured his first plugs to turn he did it live and 3 people were picked from a pif to choose the 3 colors they wanted. As he did each one, what was left from there mix when their mold was filled, got poured into a separate mold. After all 3 were done this was what resulted from the 3 leftover pours and I asked what he was going to do with it. It was offered to me and I got it to use with my clown puke tub of soap which is a mash up of leftover tubs and samples all mixed together. Seemed an appropriate name to me
Razor = Gillette C King
Blade = Gillette Nacet ( 3 )
Brush = Simpsons Chubby 2
Soap = Pearl Man By Shavers Spirit Sample
Splash = Tobs Eton College Collection
Balm = Baxter Of California
Last Shave here in Norway thankfully.
it’s been a fairly short but super busy time.
This shave was basically thrown together with nothing matching.
The cream was a hit & miss,
it performed well enough but virtually scentless.
From the tub it was a 4/10 but when whipped up it all but disappeared which is unusual in itself.
When i received this a couple of months ago it was a cream but now it’s pretty solid.
The shave itself was enjoyable but i won’t rush out to buy the soap for sure.
Can’t wait to get home as i have a another Occam’s Oren, a 3one6 and the
pass around Alpha Bandit to look forward to.
All the best Lads
Stay Safe
Outstanding setup from the Monkster!
Seriously though, Paul, I am delighted that the soap arrived safely, and is in the hands of a fellow Kabinett aficionado. Enjoy!


Razor - Fat Handle Tech
Blade - Dorco Prime Platinum (1)
Brush - GFS Hog/Omega 10077
Soap - Proraso Green
Post - Lea 0%
AS - Brut Oceans

After logging onto see this thread, it seems I'd used a few of the things Barry aka P Fox did without knowing, being an Omega boar brush, Proraso cream and a Dorco Prime Platinum, with it being the first time I'd used this blade. In the shave, it was very sharp, fairly smooth too , I finished the shave with a very smooth face.

Have a good weekend gents.


@Palmolive fox
Like yourself recently I've really been enjoying using my Omega Boar brushes as well, currently I've been using my GFS Hog brush which I think is the least I have ever spent on a brush (3.24 Euros!) but it's a delight to use and I think Omega brushes punch well above their price points. Even though I own some synth brushes, I seem to always come back to my Omega boars for whatever reason.
Great minds.
View attachment 93959

ATT Calypso alu - M plate
Treet carbon Classic (?5)
Simpson Special best
Arko stick
Myrsol Limon.

I'm not really sure how or why but I have never used Arko soap before. Go figure? I'm just about to remedy that. Cheers all - I.

The Arko Man with his face of bountiful lather has love, wisdom and guidance for us all.
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Alpha Outlaw Titanium V1 Synth
Soap - Signature Soap Wicstun
Razor - Colonial General V2
Blade - Kai Captain Titan Mild
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
A/S - Signature Soap Wicstun
Super smooth in 2 passes.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
SOTD: 24/09/2022

Razor: Executive Shaving Claymore Evolution
Blade: Feather Pro, 3rd use
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: A&E L’Orange Verte Puck
Aftershave: TOBS No. 7 Lime Aftershave
Balm: Bart's Balm BEN KILBRECK Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

Well the great shaves with the Claymore continued today, it was a much more relaxed, less rushed shave and all the better for it! Close, smooth and mild, it’s not at all aggressive, it’s medium efficient for me so far but I think I’ll be able to dial it in a bit more in time. If I hadn’t tried the Rawr yesterday I think l I’d have enjoyed this A&E much more, it quite a light, warm, subtle citrus scent, unusual for A&E. I like it but I won’t be buying the full tub.
Enjoy the weekend guys.
Saturday 25th September

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Martin de Candre Rose Shaving Soap & Ever Ready 600 Lucite w/Tuxedo Synthetic 26mm
Wilkinson Sword Hydro Advanced & Wilkinson Sword Hydro 5 Skin Protection Advanced Cartridge
Pinaud Clubman Musk Aftershave Cologne

If MDC never put out an almond soap, no drama because 3P already have ...

I really enjoyed using 3P over the last couple of days and with the MDC now out on rotation, I was surprised how very close those two soaps are in terms of how the lather builds and how it feels on the face while shaving. Looking now at the ingredients, they're actually pretty close too!

I do love a lather with MDC! More so, the gorgeous Damascus rose they put into this limited run.