SOTD: Saturday 22 - Friday 28 October 2022


Couldn't really be bothered working today, we have a bit of slack time at work whilst we wait for some top-level decisions to be made, so I'm going to watch a load of Netflix crap today!

I should really do some stuff around the house, but I can't be arsed with that either.

At least I could be arsed to shave. Decent enough, but a bit rushed on the 3rd pass when being 'asked' to do a few things for Mrs D. That isn't allowed to wait, but a decent enough finish.

Slim on 6,5,5 with a bit of mudder focker.


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24 October

Signature Soaps Danum
Yaqi Dandelion
Tatara Masamune Nodachi
Personna Med Prep
Signature Soaps Danum splash

A super smooth and comfortable shave to start the week. The Nodachi is a very good DE razor, very close shaving yet very comfortable and safe during the shave. The Signature Soap soap and splash is always excellent, and the Yaqi brush was impossible to resist.
SOTD: 24/10/2022

Razor: Yaqi The Final Cut Brass
Blade: Astra SP, 3rd use
Brush: AP Shave Co. Lemon Drop G5A
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: Bart’s Balms Lochnagar Cream
Soap: Hampshire Wool Fat No. 3 Puck
Balm: Bart's Balm BEN KILBRECK Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

I went with a much neglected soap today as my skin has been a bit sensitive the last few days and the HWF was always my go to soap of choice in the past when my skin played up or my razor work was particularly aggressive. It was as lovely as before and a real tonic to some of my highly scented American soaps. The tin it’s in may look terrible but the soap and shave wasn’t.
Enjoy your day guys!
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - DS Cosmetics synth
Soap - OSP Old Gold
Razor - Blutt BR-1 - 0.86
Blade - Gillette Perma - sharp
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Nevis - Amber & Moroccan Jasmine
A/S - Avon Siege cannon Proraso Red
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The BR-1 is up there at the top of my shaving tree, so smooth and efficient enough for me to get the job done in 2 passes.
I really do enjoy using it.
The DS brush is soft on the face and produces an easy slick lather in no time from very little loading.
A nice post shave using the Proraso Red splash in my second repurposed Siege Cannon.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Monday 24th October
General Brass - Feather Pro #2 - OSP Dark Matter - RazoRock Plissoft - Brut Original AS - Aloe Vera Gel
24 October

Signature Soaps Danum
Yaqi Dandelion
Tatara Masamune Nodachi
Personna Med Prep
Signature Soaps Danum splash

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A super smooth and comfortable shave to start the week. The Nodachi is a very good DE razor, very close shaving yet very comfortable and safe during the shave. The Signature Soap soap and splash is always excellent, and the Yaqi brush was impossible to resist.
Thank you
RR GC.68 on Custom Stainless | Silver Star | Hand-carved Ash with Boar | Mitchell’s Wool Fat
| Proraso Red AS


Lovely shave but upon shaking my venerable old brush to get rid of the remaining water droplets, the poor beastie shed her knot. Hmph! Still, she’s almost 10 years old and the first brush I ever made. Perhaps I never used enough epoxy? Perhaps I’m too vigorous shaking her dry? Now what to do: stick this original, soft but worn Omega knot back in or use the opportunity to give her a new hairdo? Badger, Synth, Boar or horse? Crikey, anything for a quiet, simple life….
24 October
Razor: Razo-Rock Hawk A
Blade: Feather Pro
Brush: Butterscotch vintage badger re-knot
Soap: Crabtree and Evelyn Indian Sandalwood cream (decanted into a recycled chemists pot)
Aftershave: Eau Savage Baume

I had not used the Hawk for a while and almost forgot what a terrific razor it is. I decided to forgo the Proshave S blade after an underwhelming job with one yesterday and use a Feather Pro. It was smooth as silk and a great shave, no bother, no irritation, I let the weight of the razor do the work.
All in all a pretty nice start to the week, have a good evening fellas!

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