SOTD: Saturday 22 - Friday 28 October 2022

Razor =1969 Gillette Black Beauty ( 4 )
Blade = 1970s Wilkinson Sword ( 4 )
Brush = Simpsons T3 St Mary’s
Soap = MFW
Splash = Old Spice Champion
Balm = Nivea Extra Calming
Well wasn’t shaving tonight but the wife was watching who’s behind the mask & my nut was bursting so away i went.

We’ve been speaking about the Fat the last couple of days so it just made sense.
i have absolutely no idea why i picked the splash & balm but hey it did match lol.
Also first time for the brush but nothing new with the sovereign knot as most T3’s are at the moment.
But a thanks to @Boycie83 for sending me the link.
I honestly think the fat could be my number 1
well it’s between that and the OSP Sandlewood.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend boys & as always
Stay Safe
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Another convert to The Fat, welcome to the brotherhood!

Sun 23
Soap Catie's Bubbles Irish Coffee
Brush Yaqi 22mm Ever-Helpful 2-Band Badger
Razor Gillette New SC
Blade Eddison Stainless 1st
Aftershave Clubman Whiskey Woods
A perfect combination of soap, brush, and aftershave for a cooling rainy Sunday...lasting sweet whiskey scent...mmmm...nice!!
This blade is very good! Paired with the vintage razor, it provided a super smooth and crisply efficient 3pass shave for a dolphin finish...nice!!

SOTD: 23rd October 2022.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Lynx Africa Squeezed Mandarin & Sandalwood Body Wash.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears Original Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Omega S10018.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Omega Eucalyptus Shaving Cream.
Blade: Bolzano Superinox Inossidable. (D2)
Razor: Pearl SBF 11.

Cold water Face & Head wash with brush squeezing's. / Cold Water Face Rinse. / Alum Rub. /Cold Water Face Rinse. / Brut Sport Style ASL. /The Real Shaving Co. SPF15 Anti-Ageing Moisturiser.


An invigorating Sunday morning cold water shave.

A very in-expensive eclectic shave set up were everything paired together wonderfully.

The Omega Eucalyptus Shaving cream provided a wonderful slick protective lather with a good kick from the Eucalyptus oil to give my face sensors a vibrant Sunday morning wakeup call!

It's been a while since i last used The Indian Pearl SBF 11 razor to my razor rotation and forgot how smooth and efficient this razor is.

An enjoyable 2 pass + pick-ups comfortable shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of The Real Shaving Co. SPF15 Anti-Ageing Moisturiser.

My face is feeling super cool smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.
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SOTD 23-Oct

Brush: Chubby 2 SiLVERTiP
Soap: HAGS Undertow
Razor: Blackland Blackbird
Blade: 7 O'Clock SP (1)
Post: HAGS Undertow AS

Nice shave this morning with a brilliant lather, the scent on this is excellent. Now though I realise I seem to be collecting Aventus dupes, oops oh well!

Smooth and smelling good for the day ahead, hope everyone had a grand day!

