SOTD : Saturday 21th March to Friday 27th March 2021

Count yourself as lucky, my first Covid vaccination was given and I was fine for 24hrs then it hit me like a heavy goods train, it put me to my bed for three days straight! I'm not looking forward to the second one!


Pre - Cien Soap Free Facial Wash
Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 24mm
Soap - Hampshire Wool Fat Cedarwood & Patchouli
Bowl - Slow feed pet water bowl
Razor - Souplex Bakelite
Blade - Gillette London Bridge (2)
Post - Witch Hazel/Cien Aqua
AS - Benjamin's Bay Rum

I'd seen some unfavourable accounts of users finding the HWF soap to be too heavy on the patchouli and animal funk smelling, but I used it today and during the shave, I found it very heavy on the cedarwood, with the patchouli in the background, no animal funk in the slightest bit though. I have a suspicion, the producer might have some issues with QC from batch to batch.
The lather it produces however is a very nice slick one, I rarely bowl lather but did so today, and hydrated the lather til it was beautifully shiny, onced again going for a thinner lather then I'd like usually as I'm finding the thinner ones stick to my razor less.
The Gillette London Bridge is a very sharp blade, so I paired with it my mildest razor and I had 3 very smooth and comfortable passes, with my face very smooth at the end of the shave. It seems to be an excellent blade so far.

Have a good day chaps.
Pre: Shower, Cold water Face wash
Brush: Silver Birch Brushes - Blue Resin 26mm Silvertip
Soap: Stirling Soap co. Stirling Spice
Razor: Razorock Hawk Stainless "A"
Blade: Feather Pro (7)
Post shave: Cold water splash, TC's Infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Balm Amber and Moroccan Jasmine Balm & Lotion
Aftershave: Pinaud Brandy Spice

The more i use this SS Hawk the more i like it.
Yes, it is not as nimble or slimline as either the V2 General or the fantastic Vector but i really like the look of it. I much prefer the shave when it is perched on the HD handle, it just seems perfectly balanced for me.
The shave started with a nice warm shower then a cold water face wash to settle the skin. This Prep really seems to suit my skin both during and post shave.
An easy face lather with a face full of badger just adding drops of water to the tips which gave me a wonderfully slick, spicey scented coating.
3 full passes followed for a perfect face feeler of a BBS Finish.
A nice post shave finishing with the Pinaud Brandy spice, these also seem to suit my skin.
All very nice.

Another positive for me today, i have had my first Covid jab this morning, very professional at the health centre, in and out in minutes, it seems as if i have had a weight lifted as i was feeling a bit anxious surrounded by Kids for the last few months knowing there was help out there. Gladly you wait your turn and good things happen. Feeling fine at the moment.
We are not out of the woods yet, so ,
Stay safe and enjoy your day All
The postlude to the end of days shave I present you with today's razor fun and the theme 'Apocalyptica'

Revelations - Brass Colonial General
Armegeddon - Feather Super Professional
Consummation - Wee whisky barrel
Eschatological - Signature Soaps Londinium
Endgame - Extro Arzachena splash

And he shall rise out of the dark waters of the sink. A single headed beast bearing a blade with sharp edge and a skin forged of gold (okay, brass). And it shall sow havoc and destruction up the kingdom of the bristle and shall cleanse those who denounce the purity of being without beard. And it shall be so named, the defiler, the bringer of chaos to the beard and known as, the Colonial Brass General. 'It is the end of world my darling, please, one last kiss'
'How about a quick one behind the bins?'

How about the brass General? A razor which will see one to the end of time and a few years after that. Built like the proverbial outside toilet and yet with the finesse of a ballet dancer. The Bolshoi school of bricklayers.

Just doesn't get anything wrong, a stinch to use and an absolute pleasure to shave with. Other than that it simply lays waste to what dares to stand before it and demolishes stubble with efficiency and effectiveness. A superb razor and always a safe bet to fall back on.

The whisky barrel brush stands up among my 'reach for' favourites and a super knot for face lathering. The Londinium just speaks for itself and all those in the know will understand I need say no more about Signature Soaps. No aniseed included.

At the end of days a smashing shave which delivered perfection. I shall go in to my next life feeling smooth and heavenly. Just what eternal damnation requires. Hey, get this right. If I am going to be condemned to a place having a scorched earth policy, then I am going to be the best shaven person with burning feet. May be this rather warm feet thing isn't such a perdition after all

I will leave your tortured souls from anymore of this garbage and end with those lovely ladies Band Maid

Count yourself as lucky, my first Covid vaccination was given and I was fine for 24hrs then it hit me like a heavy goods train, it put me to my bed for three days straight! I'm not looking forward to the second one!

Thanks for the post Covid vaccination info paul..Up to now i'm fine, hopefully i'll stay like this.. i've just got back from having my yearly works medical which everything was fine, before i return on the 6th April...Without stating the obvious with any medication/Vaccine there is a element of risk of adverse effects. Unfortunately it happened to your good self. I hope however, that your immune system has accepted the Vaccine and is doing it's magic... Try not to ponder & hesitate about having your second one, hopefully it will be ok, as the vaccine has had time to build in your immune system, so the second will just boost it up. Take care. Yours-Barry.
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Thanks Barry, I understand the national importance of receiving the full vaccination so I will not hesitate to get my second jab regardless of how it may affect me, fingers crossed all will be well.


This lime themed shave didn't happen as expected, mostly because I'm waiting on Stirling Soap samples and have three new shave bowls to fill, and I want to see which one feels right and works best in each.

So I substituted the Trumper's Lime soap you can see in the bowl, for TOBS Grapefruit and the Duke for a PAA Pergrino and had a fantastic shave with all of the other components.

Razor: Gillette Gold Tech 1955 - A1
Blade: Feather (4)
Soap: Trumper’s Extract of Lime TOBS Grapefruit
Brush: Simpson’s The Duke 3 BB PAA Peregrino
Pre-shave: PAA Cube
Post-shave: Bart’s Lime Balm & Trumper’s Lime Cologne
Bowl: Executive Shaving Company wooden bowl Shower shave