SOTD.: Saturday 1th February - Fryday 7th February 2020

Date:- 06 February 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Barrister and Mann ~ Bay Rum
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB Matte SS 'D' / Wizamet Polsilver Brown Stainless #15 ... finished
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20 drops) & Tea Tree Antiseptic (10)
Fragrance:- Acqua di Gio Giorgio Armani

SOTD : 6th February 2020.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Imperial Leather ~ Sea Minerals & Black Mint Shower Gel.


warm wet flannel to my face.

Boots ~ Freshwood Brushless Shave cream.

Brush: Fine 24mm Synthetic.

Face Lather.

Soap : "What The Puck?!"~ Lime Burst.

Blade: Gillette Nacet Stainless. (2)

Razor: Baili ~ BD177 Rose Gold TTO.


Cold Water Face Rinse./Homemade Lavender,eucalyptus + Tea Tree Oil Witch Hazel Mixture./ Superdrug ~ Forest Fresh ASL.

Arko ~ Fresh Aftershave Balm.


Another early morning shave,

Last shave of the week with the baili bd177 & gillette nacet stainless razor & blade duo have both exceeded my expectations throughout all my shaves this week.

I could quite easily shave with this comfortable razor & blade duo for the foreseeable future but like everyone else i like variety with my shave set ups.

Another fantastic 3 pass + pick ups near bbs shave with no errors to report.

Finishing to the shave off with a few generous dollop of Arko ~ Fresh Aftershave Balm.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling devine.

Enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.

1st SOTD post here...
6 Feb
Ceramic Bowl
Yagi 24mm Silvertip Badger
Yaqi DLC + Euromax Platinum 3rd
Alum+Thayers Lemon + GentsGin

5 Feb
Bronze Shave Day!
Colonel Conk Amber Soap
Turkish Copper Bowl
Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia Brush
Gillette New LC + Gillette Nacet 3rd
Post shave - Alum + Thayers Lemon
Aftershave - Clubman WhiskyWood

4 Feb
Red Shave Day
Omega Eucalyptus Cream
Yaqi 28mm Mellon Synthetic Brush
Matching Red Nubs bowl
Yaqi DOC Mellon Head Razor
Silver Star Blade 3rd use
Post shave Alum + Thayers Lemon
Aftershave Clubman WhiskyWood

Have a nice shave and a nice day..
Thur 6th Feb

RazoRock Syn. 22mm
Tabac Soap
Occams -Enoch
Feather Proguard [ 8 ]
Tabac A/S Lotion

Have just completed my 5th back to back Shave with The Enoch, and despite the blade being on its 8th outing the Shave was excellent. Rather enjoyed using the Tabac today as it worked very well with the Razor/Blade combo, the Shave being very smooth and the overall quality of finish being up there with the best. If and when I consider reducing my Razor horde it won't be this one.


SOTD 02/06/20

After skipping yesterday's shave, I realized why I need to shave every day. Here I was, needing to reduce 48 hrs of thick, dense whisker growth. Time to break out the big guns, one of my most efficient safety razors, the heralded LaResche 51 Luxe. LaResche made the 51 safety razor model from the 30's through the 70's when they ceased razor production. This particular razor dates from near the end of production and was NOS when I acquired it. I love the shave it delivers. The OC design is interesting with the two end bars slightly above the interior teeth. The blade is housed between the two end bars and sits slightly below and flat against the interior teeth. Riding the cap with this highly efficient design puts the blade right at the skin line.

My last shave two days ago was a very comfortable DFS. The MWF I've been and will continue using all month has had an incredibly positive impact on my skin which feels really well hydrated. My usual cold water prep was quite refreshing this morning. Lathering felt like a real workout with the new 316L Synthetic brush from Rearden Razor. Happily the handle inlet design provides for a firm grip on this heavy 26mm synthetic brush. Luke Webster, the owner of Classic Shaving, lauds the backbone of this brush. I like a brush with a firm backbone, and the brush does not disappoint on this score, although it is one honkin' heavy tool. I realized that a drop to the floor would fracture tile and/or toes.

That first MWF lather supplemented by the PAA Cube Soap was thick, shiny and yogurty and stood the whiskers up for the first WTG pass. The 51 sheared through the whiskers like they weren't there. The second ATG closed the deal all around on a complete BBS. The alum block revealed no heat anywhere. I was left with velveteen smoothness on both noggin and face which I attribute to my continued use of MWF. I could have easily gotten away without any AS, but this boy does like his menthol. The Snake Bite AS topped off a perfect shave! I feel clean, coool, smoooth, and refreshed.

RAZOR: LaResche 51 Luxe
BLADE: Wizamet Super Iridium
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with PAA's Cube Preshave Soap
BRUSH: Rearden Razor 316L SS Synthetic
SOAP: Mitchell's Wool Fat
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by ThayersLavender WH and finished with Fine Accoutrements Snake Bite AS Splash