SOTD : Saturday 19th March - Friday 25th March 2022.

Sorry to hear that Tony.wishing you speedy recovery. Best Regards Brian
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This inspired me to put my DE89 upfront for the next month's razor of choice.
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I was watching Sinatra Lennon on YouTube and he was cleaning and using a Fatboy he’d picked up for a mere $45 at the Alamo. They cost a little more than that around these parts but it did prompt me to dig out my refurbished 1959 - E2 Fatboy.

I set it at my usual setting 6 and had a very good shave with the lovely fresh Fitjar Fjellheim soap. I’ve also not used the Trafalgar T3 for a while and it worked very well. The great advantage of the synthetics is they don’t need pre-soaking and dry really quickly. More importantly there’s no question of any dodgy practices concerning badgers!

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Gillette Fatboy 1959 - E2
Blade: Feather (3)
Soap: Fitjar Fjellheim
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3 Synthetic
Pre-shave: Shower
Post-shave: No need for anything
Bowl: Face lather

Tears. Our 2 foster babies have left us this morning to go to their forever home. Whilst it is ultimately a very happy day that they have been adopted by a lovely couple and now have a mummy and daddy, we've had them for 3 and 2 years from birth and they are like our own, so Mrs D will have the tears flowing later. I've already had my little moment and then decided I needed a shave to rid me of a few day's worth of growth as we've been busy doing the transition.

Must have been stressed lately as I'd developed a cold sore on my bottom lip and intended to miss it. I didn't realise how far down it had developed, but pass 1 on setting #8 took the cold sore off and left claret flowing. Pass 2 saw me not paying attention and whacking a right 'nick' on my neck. I was going to give up, but ran pass 3 on setting #4 with no adverse events.

That said, I am completely BBS and managed to stem any flow with alum and a separate styptic pen for the cold sore. The boar brush needs more loading than the synth I've been using with the Løthur, as I had virtually no soap left in it to assist the rinse off of alum.

The splash seems to have worked on all but the nick, aka slash wound!

That said, I'm feeling better and now need to crack on with work!

Even a bad shave can do the trick!


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