SOTD : Saturday 17th April to Friday 23rd April 2021.

The irritation for me started when I started chasing the BBS but I had the same issue when chasing the BBS with a DE too to begin with...I don’t have that problem anymore well not unless I go playing around with certain hard soaps that we shall not name haha ! Now you’ve got going there is no way back lol enjoy the next one mate. It’s the declaration Rose set I would have gone with..who would have guessed lol
Sunday 18th April

Roma Colosseum - Vitos Red - Unidentified Mühle/Piccolo handle/Super ShaveX - Vitos Tobacco
Yesterday I spent so much time trying to get the blade alignment right....I decided to have another shave with the Mühle today. On night shift this I will do my 'Sunday' shave tomorrow.
3 passes for a perfect result

Edit: After a bit of digging I have found the opinion that the Muhle was the old R89
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Sun 18th SE SOTD
Soap Ariana & Evans Peach & Cognac
Brush Yaqi 24mm Purple Mink
Razor Yaqi AC Brass
Blade Feather ProGuard 13th - amazing blade!!
Post & Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + Clubman Brandy Spice
Excellent quality lather from the soap. Intoxicating sweet scent, very creamy and very slick...
Shave with razor paired with the well-used blade is again silky smooth and comfortable for 3passes without any issues for a mostly bbs finish. Nice aftershaves.
Yes, it shaves really well. I'm after a western type kamisori with scales too..
Don't Know if this is what you are looking for Mark ? but there is one on the BST at the mo.

@UKRob who is selling it is a first class guy to deal and his stuff is always well looked after and as described.
Pass-around Carbon CX + Plate
Pre: Pears Transparent Original Cold water Face wash
Brush: Razorock 400 Syn
Soap: OSP Dark Matter
Razor: Carbon CX-316L, + Plate, 0.88mm gap with reduced blade exposure
Blade: Personna Med Prep (2)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Gucci By Gucci
Aftershave: JPG Le Male' EDP

I was looking forward to todays shave, the regrowth was comfortable and uniform from yesterdays shave although i do think it started to show a bit sooner than normal.
The Carbon fitted with the + plate feels very nice on the skin, not as angle critical i thought, i also think it is a tad more efficient. It feels more like what i would go for. It is advertised as having a reduced blade feel compared to the Std plate.
I completed a 3 pass shave WTG, XTG and ATG and the finish was close and smooth, i did pick up a tiny weeper under my LH side jaw line in front of the chin which i will put down to technique and angle setting. it was not there long, sorted by a cold water splash.
I really like the look and feel of this razor and it has got me thinking - - - Should i???
I had a nice post shave finishing with a splash of JPG, a very nice scent and a favourite of both Mrs TC and myself.
So sitting here with a face feeling BBS finish, with a soft supple skin feel and smelling tip top.
Bring on tomorrow with the ++ Plate.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.
18 April

Extro Bergamotto di Calabria
Plisson synthetic
RR Game Changer .68
Personna med prep
Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso

A very pleasant Sunday shave with a comfortable and fairly close result. This was my first use of the .68 Game Changer, and I preferred it to the .84 one I had a few years ago, which from memory was a little rough. This one is very smooth and has a great handle.