SOTD: Saturday 17 September - Friday 23 September

Razor = Gillette C King
Blade = Bolzano Superinox ( 1 )
Brush = C&H Expo 67 V15
Soap = OSP Sandlewood with marching splash
Balm = Simpsons Sandlewood
What a surprisingly good shave.
The Razor is the second use and again i thoroughly enjoyed it, and considering the price it really is well worth it.
The blade i haven’t tried for a couple of years.
i didn’t like it first time round but today it was very good with no issues whatsoever,
just shows you how we all change through time.
This soap is a top 3 for me & possibly my number one.
The scent is right up my street in terms of sandlewood and i m unsure if there’s any better.
Overall a nice 8/10 saturday shave before i head for a 12 hour night shift
ah never mind someone has to do it
As usual Stay Safe Lads

Soap - MWF/Kent
Brush - Omega 10075
Razor - Gillette Flat Bottom New OC
Blade - Gillette Nacet Stainless (6)
Post - Benjamins Bay Rum w/Pimento

It's funny how we have confirmation biases towards certain things? One of mine is that I was of the belief I wasn't able to get a great lather with MWF using a boar brush that it was better suited with using a synth. Today I built a truly delightful lather with MWF using my little Omega 10075, disproving my earlier confirmation bias. A great lather and a great shave.
Enjoy your weekend gents.

I'm really pleased you were able to get a great lather from MWF/Kent using a boar brush, I hope you can enjoy this soap even more now, well done Shubs.

No shave ... just a splash of Pitralon Classic Aftershave to make me feel better.

I felt off it yesterday and went to bed with aches and shivers. Yes, evil aunt Covid has come to visit, confirmed with a leftover box of tests. Thankfully, it's not the scratchy throat and coughing which levelled me back in February, but I lie down and just can't keep my eyes open. I've slept through about three or four series of something or other but at this end of the day do feel (on balance) better than this morning. Damn thing is, I had my jab booked for Monday (now Tuesday) ... now at least four more weeks.

A recent purchase and I do love the P&B base. I never had an issue lathering any of their soaps and always get a very creamy luxurious lather. The scent off the puck was too bay and spice heavy for my liking but this mellowed for me when lathered so it stays in the den. I love this Yaqi brush I’ve no idea when it comes to badger brushes but this lathers and works a treat for me. The Hone 15s is lovely as ever but somehow it doesn’t match the brass even with the shorter handle which I thought I’d prefer.
Enjoy your weekend guys.