SOTD Saturday 13th February to Friday 19th February 2016

friday 19/02/16: hot shower/merkur slant 37c decap/weber classic handle/merkur
sp (4)/tamwood zebra jar shavemac 24/40 2/b/mwf/hot&cold rinse/nivea asb/speick edt

effortless... 'because, everyone must have something in life he can rely on'
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Thursday 18th February 2016
Prep: Shower
Blade: Treet Carbon
Brush: Duke 3
Soap: Boots Vintage
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Serge Lutens Chergui

I have not posted for a week as I was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pains, only to be diagnosed with suffering from acute Pancreatitis, anyway after a weeks first class treatment and a goodly lot of Morphine I am out and now feeling quite well (that Morphine delivered I.V. in 60's speak is 'real good shit man!')

The cause Whisky, a bottle a week for the last 18 or so years seems to have taken it's toll and I have had my oracle read about packing in, advice I am taking, not that there's much choice.

I did manage to shave each day in hospital with a Schick J1 and a tube of cream, I choose the times when I was 'high', no damage to report though!

Had to look up what this is Dick - it sounds painful - but glad you're back with us. I suppose life becomes a balancing act as you get older - quality as opposed to length - so maybe cutting down to half a bottle is your answer.:p

I read something recently along the lines of - all those health freaks are going to feel pretty stupid when they're old and dying of nothing.

Sounds about right to me - I'm thinking of buying a pipe when I retire. They say it's the best way to enjoy weed. Does anyone still call it that by the way?
Route 66 Barbershop Hop
Doug Korn brush
Feather Pro (5)
Pinaud Bay Rum
Pinaud Eau de Portugal hair tonic
Have a great Friday
Pre: Proroaso White Pre-Shave
Razor: Merkur 45C
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft
Cream: TOBS Sandalwood
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm
A/S: Fine PlatinumIMG_2927.JPG

Thursday 19th February 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: 1912 Damaskeene
Blade: Treet Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC Band
Soap: Vitos Extra Super
Aftershave: Floid Balm


A very big thank you for all your well wishes, they are truly appreciated and I expect I might just have got away quite lightly.

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Thursday 19th February 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: 1912 Damaskeene
Blade: Treet Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC Band
Soap: Vitos Extra Super
Aftershave: Floid Balm


A very big thank you for all your well wishes, they are truly appreciated and I expect I might just have got away quite lightly.


Best Wishes Dick,
Pleased that you are back home , and hopefully on the mend- with your new regime , watch the Sugar Levels- maybe
Adams Ale is best! not.
After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 Macys rebranded silvertip flopmeister (nice with creams)
'Kaily'/Gillette Spoiler (NOS 1967)
XPEC (old scented version)
Neutrogena oil free moisture unscented
Barbershop Bay Rum AS applied liberally as cologne

BBS results,

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