SOTD Saturday 13th February to Friday 19th February 2016

Route 66 Barbershop Hop
Doug Korn brush
Feather Pro (4)
Déjà Fougère AS
Have fun!
Pre: Bloom Water
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus (1)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: OSP Lemon & Cedarwood
Post: L'Occitane Cedrat
A/S: 4711
Fantastic performance from the OSP. Nice sent after it was bloomed and another brilliant BBS shave. Paired with the Cedrat and the 4711 beautifully.IMG_2922.JPG
SOTD - Thursday
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: B&M "Le Grand Chypre"
Brush: California Redwood burl w/ 30mm Shavemac 2-band silvertip bulb
Razor: OneBlade
Blade: Feather FHS SE (2)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by Penhaligon's Opus 1870 ASB/EdT
It's been a while since I let this beast of a brush out of its cage. Largest brush I own and it's great.
Thursday AM 02-18-2016

Georgetown Pottery G20 scuttle
Rooney 3/1 Finest (22mm/44mm)
Penhaligon's English Fern shaving soap (tallow)
Delta Echo 'Stealth' Feather AS-D2/Hempel Bead-Blasted Wide Spiral
Wilkinson Falcon (4)
Country Club for Men Classic Fougère aftershave

Thursday 18th February 2016
Prep: Shower
Blade: Treet Carbon
Brush: Duke 3
Soap: Boots Vintage
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Serge Lutens Chergui

I have not posted for a week as I was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pains, only to be diagnosed with suffering from acute Pancreatitis, anyway after a weeks first class treatment and a goodly lot of Morphine I am out and now feeling quite well (that Morphine delivered I.V. in 60's speak is 'real good shit man!')

The cause Whisky, a bottle a week for the last 18 or so years seems to have taken it's toll and I have had my oracle read about packing in, advice I am taking, not that there's much choice.

I did manage to shave each day in hospital with a Schick J1 and a tube of cream, I choose the times when I was 'high', no damage to report though!


Good to have you back, Dick.

I must say, when I had to start a new SOTD thread over on TOST I thought to myself, "funny this, Dick usually gets us started with a fresh week" but didn't connect.

You've had a rough ride indeed. Listen to those sages though, eh?
Arran Aromatics Bay Citrus Soap
RR Barber Plissoft
Schick Golden 500
Schick NOS blade [4]
La Toja AS
Arran Aromatics Bay Citrus EDT

Nice, quick 1.5 pass shave with the Schick combo. I think I may even have the Mrs kinda interested :rolleyes:
SOTD Thursday
Virginia Sheng Purtech
OSP Orange & Patchouli
Ever Ready 1914
Gem S/S Coated #6
Alum - Duru Lemon Cologne - Lacura Cream Moisuriser


Well I have to say, that was one of the good shaves. The soap was better than I expected. Great orange scent while I lathered and a historic patchouli while shaving. Clean as a ♫♫♫
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