SOTD Saturday 12th to Friday 18th December 2015


Zenith 506 synthetic boar / La Saponeria Artigiana - Cocco / Merkur 34C HD / Feather / Fliod Genuine
Palmolive Stick
Whipped Dog Custom Synthetic
Gillette SharpEdge [1]
Proraso Green AS
Superdrug Moisuriser

Direct comparison to last night. Same blade different razor.
The PILS is milder than the Weber, maybe DE89 or similar. Passable shave, no weepers and medium AS sting. A little patchy compared to last night but it will do the job. I SO want to love the PILS but I only just like it at the moment...
First time using the very mighty King Cobra razor this morning.
Popped a Feather Pro blade into it (interesting loading mechanism where you turn a lever under the head which makes the base plate 'drop down' (while still attached), you pop the blade in and turns the lever and it's all secured).

First impression was the most obvious one - it's a huge razor. I mean the Mongoose is a big razor...but this one goes beyond that.
Second impression was quite a surprise: it is super easy to navigate while shaving including under your nose. It never once felt 'awkward' to use through it's size - quite the contrary I really liked it.
The handle is very grippy. Strong texture and makes the handle feel more 'utilitarian' than 'refined'. You will not slip when holding on to this handle.
I can see how it may not be for everyone though which is why you see so many KC's with a third-party handle on it. After one use I can't see myself rushing out to look for another handle though - this just seems to 'fit' the overall appeal of this razor. Big, strong and attractive in it half-posh, half-utilitarian design.

Now the shave was interesting. The Feather Pro blade is one sharp piece of metal. It did make me feel as if I really had to pay attention to what I was doing but even so I did manage to nick myself just under my lip and I barely ever cut myself shaving these days so there was a bit of a surprise/wake up.
It will be interesting swapping out the blade for the Proguard which is a blade I love in the Mongoose and see if that tames the Cobra a bit.

In summary: If you love injector-style shaving and big razors with long handles this one is a fantastic combination of all of those things. Luckily for me - I like all of those things.
This one is a keeper.

French L" Essor..:p

Another Shot..:)

Three Shaving Pass Routine..:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
French L" Essor
NOS Heljestrand Wedge Blade (New)
Semogue Boar Brush
Erasmic Shaving Soap (added Argan oil)
Organic Aloe Vera Gel
LOGONA Mann Aftershave Balm (From Germany)

I got some NOS Swedish Heljestrand Wedge blades recently...I gave this one a 100 lashes on the strop and gave it a Test Drive in my French L "Essor...The L" Essor is a lot milder than the Wilkinson Empire I used yesterday...Its a lot smoother though..Smooth as Silk..I would go as far as suggesting that there is no Factory Blade that can shave as Comfortably as the L" Essor Wedge Blade Razor...Comfort is the Operative Word Here...This was a very pleasurable shave...I ended up with a Nice DFS Result...The end result feels like something that is akin to a Traditional Straight Razor Shave...The L" Essor Wedge Blade Combo is like a Vintage Harley Davison to me in that they just Ooze Nostalgia and Beautiful Iron at its Best..:)

"I pulled out my Wilkinson Empire today" here is a courageous man - I managed to hone and strop two such blades so these pass HHT, but .... it still gives me chills when I hold it in hand, so first try it's pending (well...I almost tried once but this doesn't count)
The Empire is quite an aggressive shaver as far as Wedge Blade razors Go...Just takes a moment to dial it in as its got that little adjustable feature that's a bit fiddly...o_O

Eufros LE Spanish Shavers Tobacco
Shavemac Colonia N1 Silvertip 2 Bands
Ali Blade
Eufros LE Spanish Shavers Tobacco Balm


gorgeous hair, softness and stiffness equally. A real number one this Shavemac, awesome Brush!!
15th December
Kent Infinity
WSP Vetiver sample
ER " Streamline "
Gen S/S [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/Myrsol Antesol

A lot less product today, the small brush worked on the sample, I got a quite nice creamy lather. The shave went well, being very smooth even in the suspect areas like lip & neck, and the finish was very good.

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