SOTD Saturday 12th to Friday 18th December 2015

Good morning to all:

Yesterday I got my new OneBlade razor and my new Caties Bubble soaps. You can't imagine what a great shave I had, it was awesome. I will talk about this new razor in future posts.


Greetings to everyone

Please do as someone who is waiting for his OneBlade I'm curious to hear how you like it.
SHAVEMAC 2-band Silver tip
LASS Co BBS-1/Feather
COLD RIVER SOAP WORKS Fall 2015 Soap and Aftershave Balm
GEORGETOWN POTTERY G12 Scuttle (keeps the brush and lather nice and warm)
The Shavemac was a treat to use. Whipped up the lather effortlessly, released it without hesitation and felt great on the face.​
SOTD Dec 17 2015_sm.jpg
Godrej Soap
Omega 49
Merkur 45c
Gillette Sharpedge [2]
Barbus AS
Maca Root Face Protector

Awesome little shaver this. Really surprised me after trying 2 high SS razors recently....
Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Fat Handled Tech
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue (#2)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Mitchell's Wool Fat
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

For only the second time since going traditional nearly two years ago, I didn't shower as part of my prep. I just washed with my normal soap in the sink, which will hopefully be my last time - I really didn't like it!
Another change to the usual regime tonight was MWF. I've been sticking with Arko solely for the last two months, in an attempt to set a base level for my shaves. The Fat certainly is slick, and my joint favourite with Arko and Tabac. I love its simplicity.
I've also been using the Tech for the last couple of weeks, and I'll continue to until at least the end of the month/year.

Shower w/Bulldog Shower Gel
Le Père Lucien 'Cédre & Patchouli' Shaving Soap
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Rasoir Louis & GEM Stainless (4)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Novaya Zarya Shipr Cologne
Ralph Lauren Polo EDT
Surrati Jannatul Firdous Attar (Wrists)
Lea Classic Shaving Cream
Virginia Sheng Synthetic
Ever Ready Natural Angle & GEM S/S #3
OSP Bayrum Splash - Tester
Lacura Aqueous Cream moisturiser (unscented)

Awesome three pass shave with this newly acquired razor. Easy near BBS result.
The OSP Bayrum has a great scent and works really well with a good alcohol kick.

Thurssday, 17th of December. Evening.

Palmolive soap stick.
Razorock 24mm Plissoft.
Wilkinson Sword Classic.
Feather Hi Stainless (2).
Boots witch hazel & tea tree cleanser.
Boots Freshwood balm.
Nivea moisturising cream.

A good shave but not very comfortable. Even with the utmost care I seem to get a lot more irritation with this Feather blade than the other blades I've used, even on the second shave. I think I'll keep the Feathers on one side for a while. Thank Christ I didn't try using one in the more aggressive Gillette razor! :eek:
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RazoRock XXX
NF Tubby 2
#15 Aristocrat
Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
Indian Old Spice AS

A lovely shave with this great OC razor. Top lather whipped up by the Tubby 2 and XXX.

Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Mike's Natural Soaps Vetiver
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Kai (4th)
Post #1: Anthony After Shave Balm
Post #2: Origins Multi-benefit Moisturizer
Scent: L'Instant de Guerlain pour Homme Eau Extreme by Guerlain

Had a thoroughly enjoyable shave even though I was still half asleep this morning. Post feel is absolutely top notch on Mike's soaps.
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