SOTD: Saturday 12 - Friday 18 November 2022.

SOTD: 13th November 2022.

Shaving Recipe for Remembrance Sunday. (UK)

Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men Power Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Palmolive Naturals Olive & Milk Bar Soap.
Brush: Wilkinson Sword Boar.
Mug Lather.
Lather: Williams Mug Shaving Soap.
Blade: Treet Dura Sharp. (D2)
Razor: 1940's Thin Handle Gillette Flat Bottom Tech. (ENG)

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Alum Rub. /Cold Water Face Rinse. / Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel Williams Aqua Velva ASL. / Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.

Remembrance Sunday morning shave.

'In honour to the fallen heroes of all wars past & present'....'All politicians around the world should make it their duty to visit war memorials to be reminded what happens when politics fails'.

I have nothing but utter contempt for politics, most of all politicians of what they have done and are still doing to the world that we live in. Shame on them. Enough said.

Everything in my shave set up this morning worked together wonderfully. A smooth performance from the 1940's tech / Treet Dura duo was wonderful cutting through my remaining stubble with effortless ease.

A comfortable 2 pass + pick-ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report. finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Nivea Men Replenishing PSB.

My face is feeling cool, smooth & smelling divine.

Stay Safe and enjoy your Sunday Remembrance Ladies & Gentlemen.
Saturday Shave

Stirling Syn 26mm
Claymore Evolution
Kai Captain Titan Protouch MG ( 8 )
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion

Out today visiting Son and Family and later staying overnight with Sister in Law. Wanted a quality long lasting Shave, so out came the Evo. Kept the Shave simple and used MWF which as usual provides a great lather, and the Evo even with the blade on its 8th outing delivered a Top Notch Shave as expected.


@culcreuch - B. - in fairness the knot is starting to give a bit. You can see the boar starting to split at the tips, if you look carefully. In the pic above it has just been used. It now splays and the wall of scrub is starting to soften. It has never scritched in my ownership. The flow through for a knot this densely constructed is exceptional - it gives up the lather perfectly, leaving enough in the middle to start again should you choose to do so. I'm not 100% sure of the exact hair mix - other than - it's 50/50 badger and boar. The latter is Semogue 90% Special Grade Tops - which can mean many things (see link below). The badger is - I think - Finest Grade, so that indicates two-band probably. Looks like it, the boar is dyed to match the texugo used. Semogue - like Vie Long - aren't adverse to using 'unique' batches for Limited Edition knots, never to be repeated. The original Caravela had a run of 100 and the 2012 LE went to 500. I have no idea how many they make these days in a run of Specials. One thing I did learn was that - Semogue don't 'collar' their Mistura knots IE there isn't a core of boar hair surrounded by a collar of badger - cheap in the middle, expensive at the edges. In this case - it is mixed 50/50 by hand then tied. It is undoubtedly unique in my brush collection and will continue to remain the gift that keeps on giving for some time yet. It's the 1305 all over again.

Karve Overlander alu on Karve Bradley alu handle, Treet Platinum, Semogue OC 2012, Kent hard tallow, Nivea two in one. - cheers - I.

Semogue knot information and boar grades, I take this as a trusted source -
SOTD: 13/11/2022

Razor: Razorock Hawk V2
Blade: Feather Professional, 2nd use
Brush: DS Cosmetic Ken Surfs
Bowl: Face Lather
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Croap
Aftershave: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Aftershave
Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of An Easy Sunday Classical Playlist
Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Not Too Bad At All

After using my DE razors all last week I am now back to SE shaving. Today I used the Hawk V2 which is just about the lightest razor I have. Just as well as I caved in and picked up a titanium vector in the Black Friday sales so need to get used to a super light razor. I'm a naughty boy and should be put in shaving room detention.


SOTD: 13/11/2022

Razor: Rockwell 6s
Blade: Voskhod Teflon Coated, 1st use
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato Croap
Aftershave: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato Aftershave
Balm: L’Oreal Men Expert Reinforcing Aftershave Balm

There’s a reason when I think of slimming down my den and get to the Rockwell and say, no way, (I’ve made this mistake before and rebought one in a month!) It’s definitely not the prettiest razor in the den but it never gives less than stellar results! I very before plate 3-4 depending on what I used the previous day and how much growth I’ve had and it never fails to give a gently efficient, smooth shave every time!
Enjoy your day guys.
Sotd 13/11

Pre shave: PAA cube
Soap: Barrister and mann vespers
Splash: Barrister and mann vespers
Balm: Barrister and mann vespers

Bowl: wet the face
Brush: Boti 30mm synthetic
Razor: karve stainless OC-D plate
Blade: Gillette london bridge 2nd use

Had a great shave this morning and decided to use vespers from Barrister and mann great lather and nice scent also the gillette london bridge was excellent on 2nd use
Merciful indeed that the weather here today was dry and mild, especially for the elderly vets laying wreaths. Regrettably I was unable to shave before the service at the war memorial, but did my bit and then returned home to rectify the facial situation. After the attack of the killer kittens, I set the Slim back to #5 and ripped the 3rd flap from the green 7 o'clock Permasharp. Someone mentioned Cella so I dug it out and got stuck in with my recently gifted Rubberset 400 which I am very much enjoying. This was another close and comfortable shave with no errors and a superb result. Tabac completed the routine.
SOTD 13-Nov

Brush: C&H 'Strata Taper'
Soap: PAA Blue Samhain
Razor: Nodachi OC Ti
Blade: GSB (1)
Post: PAA Blue Samhain AS

Part of the ATG passaround, second shave and first with this combination. Bit rough and not all that enjoyable, going to give the nodachi cap/SB a try tomorrow and see whether that improves. Otherwise it'll be a drop to the nodachi cap and masamune OC or perhaps the masamune cap and nodachi SB...we shall see.

Hope everyone has a grand day!


I have one someone polished to a mirror and had the same thoughts yesterday when I pulled mine out. MUST stay in the den. Cased one on DFS BST right now for $55 which is a steal. I don't need a backup but that's CHEAP