SOTD: Saturday 12 - Friday 18 November 2022.

Week from hell and my mind is not quite calm enough for straights. My last outing with the Slim on 5 and the 7 o'clock was sublime, smooth close and perfect. Somewhat addled and sleep deprived I thought it would be a good idea to wind it up to 7. Didn't really have the focus and it's a sharp blade and a bigger gap than I'm used to, so there was a moment when I looked like I'd been done over by a basket of kittens! However another face full of Truefitt and Hill luxury soap off of my Simpson Commodore best badger seemed to restore my phisog to its usual self. Soothed with bio oil but the spray of Zara tobacco did sting a bit. Pretty smooth now though I will say!

Karve Ovelander alu on Karve Bradley alu handle, Treet Platinum, Semogue OC 2012, Kent hard tallow & Nivea 2 in 1.

This is all the fault of @culcreuch - I saw the picture he posted of his Semogue Caravela knot - the original mistura premium badger and boar mix that all others derive from. Then I looked at my OC brush - despite the fact I have used it at least 30 times and I wasn't the original owner - it still looks straight out of the box. I have determined to use this brush continuously until I can see some sign of it breaking in. This may take some time. It is grudgingly starting to splay a little after a dozen recent uses. The more recent iterations of the Caravela are reputed to be less dense than the original! I can't imagine. Saludos - I.
` long do you soak your brush?
12 November

SV Felce Aromatica
Blackland Signature
Blackland Vector
Feather Professional
SV Felce Aromatica asl

A lunchtime shave with the Blackland pair and Saponificio Varesino soap and aftershave left me clean and comfortable. The Feather blade is on its fifth shave and it still feels sharp, but, perhaps it is not quite as smooth as a Schick Proline in this razor.
Prep: Hot towel
Razor: Rockwell 6S – #3
Blade: Gillette Bleue Extra
Brush: Simpsons Chubby 2 Two Band
Soap: 345 Soap Co: Breakfast Group (Deus Vult)
Post: CeraVe moisturising lotion..

A shave that can be summed up in one word... FAULTLESS. A warm, comforting fragrance, exemplary cushion and glide, and a very comfortable post shave feeling. Yes, 345 Soap Co: Breakfast Group is definitely a soap that is second to none, and deserves to rub shoulders with the big guns.
Evening chaps,

First time i have posted for a while, but due to the woolfat fiasco I have changed soap

soap: cella
brush: shavemac
razor: mongoose
blade: feather pro guard
after shave: cella
frag: proraso lime

I used cella way way back, but decided to give it another go, im very impressed and cant see it changing for the forseeable ( mostly cos i bought the 1kg brick lol )
Razor: Razoroc Game Changer OC .64
Blade: Bic Chrome (4)
Brush: Simpson Duke 3
Soap: Dr Harris Arlington
Splash: Dr Harris Arlington Milk

Well the GC gets to live another day, still a little too aggressive for a daily driver but I'll face it off against the SLOC another time. Now onto reducing the soap backlog. The Dr Harris lathered nicely and the after shave milk was more soothing than the same setup from TOBS. I only have space for one traditional and right now it's in first place to remain.