SOTD : Saturday 09th May - Friday 15th May 2020

Razor. EJDE89
Blade. Astra DP (2)
Brush. Omega Boar
Soap. OSP Neroli
Post. Cold water splash, Alum block, EJ lime and Pomegranate Balm and OSP Neroli Splash.

I've not used this soap for a few months so decided to give it a go, Neroli isn't my favourite scent but this soap really does perform well.
Easy to lather up and gives a great shave.
Anyone tried this EJ balm? It feels great on but I'm not sure if it's me but it smells very “industrial”.

Anyway, a good shave and ready for another exciting week ahead.

Stay safe. Take care.
On we go with the Feather SS Kamisori. I decided to do the first pass with the Kami and the second with the Colonial General SE.

Today's soap of the day Mitchell's Wool Fat! I have been waiting to dive into this soap and give it a go and today was the day. Lovely scent and what a great performing soap. Lathered up a bunch and slick as can be.

Lovely two pass shave with combo of the Kami and General. I have to say there wasn't much for the General to do but it did clean up everything leftover from the Kami. Many more shaves to go until I am comfortable with the Feather SS but it's not been too be bad so far. Enjoy your Sunday, Happy Mother's Day and safe travels!

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Feather Professional AC SS Kamisori
Razor: Colonial General SS SE
Blade: Feather Pro Guard
Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
Lather: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Aftershave: Nivea Deep
Additional Care:
B.I.G. Co. Alum Block
Bath & Body Works Noir
10 May

St James Black Pepper and Lime
Cadman M55 30mm Tuxedo
Rex Ambassador (2)
Feather Hi-stainless
Clinique post-shave soother

A very pleasant shave this afternoon with the Rex set on 2. Much better than yesterday's shave with the Rex. I had forgotten that I had set it to 2.5 and gave myself three small but significant nicks on the first, and therefore, only pass. So, the Rex is too much for me with a Feather on 2.5, but it just works fabulously for me when set to 2.
New razor, Gold Dollar W59 performed very very well, The new scent for me, Signature Glycerine and Eucalyptus with lavender soap,also performed very very well, I really like the Glyc soap. A medium size Bluebeards badger brush and Portus balm to finish.No Ducks Were Harmed During the Shave and the 5 were returned safely to their normal site...on top of the Box
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Sotd - Sunday the 10th of May

Prep - facial scrub
razor - ATT Calypso M
blade - Kai (2)
brush - Simpsons Chubby 1 - best
soap - Nivea cream - Spanish
post - witch hazel
a/s - Nivea - 2 in 1
balm - none needed
scent - Sauvage - edp.

Result - all good - valedictory - farewell the Calypso - for the near future. A razor for all seasons. I checked PayPal and I bought it in the first week of March - and I haven't used another razor since - not by design - it just happened that way. For me - that good. Final conclusions? It redefined the idea of mild - yes it is - but that does not mean it will not give you a great shave - with a minimum of fuss - nobody is going to hurt themselves - like a late Schick with a twin blade - for comparison. The ATT was best for me - with middling sharp blades - Gillette 7'Oclock yellows or SuperMax Plats - a blend of sharpness, comfort and longevity. There is little point in recommending blades - each to their own.

So - the king is dead - long live the king - time for a change. The choir angelic are getting into part for my next razor. The den is thick with cherubim and seraphim That's quite a build up? Enjoy your shaves one and all - yours - I.
My shave for this day brought with it the theme 'Excuse me but can you show me the way to Valentia?'

The missing razor - Long handled brass General
Non existent blade - Kai Captain
What brush? - Razorock 400
There is a soap? - Signature Soaps Valentia

So tell me again Todgamus. You think you may have loss some of the great Roman empire and you are not sure where you left it? But apparently it may be in Wales, Cumbria or the borders of Scotland. Or, or you may never have had it in the first place. This is not looking very good is it now?

Val... Valencia..... Valentina ..... Valeximus.... Val bloody what? Same shave as a few nights back except a change of soap and a trip down the road with Signature Valentia. What a lovely way to go to end a long day out on the river. Same damn good shave as a few nights back and the Valentia playing its part with aplomb. Enough to make me happy, smiling and smoooooooth. All I need now is a nice lady for a groom and a stroke
No, no, I said a groom and a stroke

I wish you all a most wonderful and healthy week ahead and remember, 'stay alert' and stay confused.

The return of.........

This Valentia. Where did you say it was?
Monday‌ ‌05.011.20 ‌SOTD‌

Gillette ‘48-'53 British Rocket / Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdge Yellow
Frank‌ ‌Shaving‌ ‌24mm‌ ‌x‌ ‌53mm‌ ‌Finest‌ ‌Badger‌
Pre de Provence shave soap
Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌Sante‌ ‌Green‌ ‌Tea‌

Date:- 11 May 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- WCS Two-Tone Tall (Blue & White) Extra Dense Synth. 26/56mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Declaration Grooming ~ Original
Razor/Blade:- EJ 3one6 / Gillette Nacet #2
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Natural Glycerin (20 drops) & Tea Tree Antiseptic (10)
Love that brush.
Great picture Chris!