SOTD : Saturday 09th May - Friday 15th May 2020

Saturday 9th May
Cadman Custom - Vitos Red - Gillette Black Tip (X2) - Vintage Gillette Blue Blade #1 - Blue Stratos A/S - Aloe Vera Gel

Nostalgic shave.
The Black Tip is my birth year razor stamped X2, the 2nd quarter 1952. The Cadman brush has a 1952 farthing. Two pieces of shaving hardware I'll never sell.
The vintage Gillette blade was a surprise addition to a recent Pal Injectomatic purchase.
The vintage blade was exceptionally smooth and the shave was quite impressive, so was rather chuffed with myself.

Be safe everyone!!
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Saturday Morning Shave

First outing with the Aluminium Karve , what a great razor a similar shave to my Brass Karve but being lighter is very nimble and feels amazing in the hand , 3 Passes and a very smooth comfortable shave , The Lodz was on it's last shave and was going off a bit towards the end, will try it with a fresh feather tomorrow as think they might be a good match. Same outstanding build quality from Karve and comfortable shave.

The other item having it's first run was the new knot in the Grizzly Bay Brush , I removed the coins that were under the original Knot and set it at a much lower 51mm for me it felt perfect.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Preshave: Argan Oil Soap
Brush: Grizzly Bay - 26 mm Synthetic
Razor: Karve Aluminiun D Plate SB
Blade: Polsilver Lodz
Soap: Signature Soaps Britannia
Splash: Aqua Velva Ice Cool
Balm: Bart's Peppermint Oil Balm
EDT: Dunhill Pursuit

I have a bunch of these blades, Arthur, but have been wary of trying them...
Pre - Trumpers Sandalwood Skin Food
Cream - Sweyn Forkbeard Vanilla and Tobacco leaf
Brush - Trumpers best badger.
Razor - Merkur 34G
Blade - Wilkinson (6)
Post - Alum followed Trumpers Sandalwood Skin Food

I was in a world of my own during this mornings shave and went straight for a cross the grain pass on my moustache. Most enjoyable shave. Almost three full passes this morning.

SOTD 9th May
Pre - warm water
Soap - B&m Reserve Lavender
Brush - Yaqi la Sagrada Familia
Razor - Gillette adjustable 1962
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue #2
Post - Stirling Arkadia

Another super smooth and comfortable shave on settings 8,5 and 4. Two days growth no problem. Zero feedback from Alum. Soap and brush are great together. Stunning scent from the balm too.
This razor is intuitive and so easy to use. Could definitely be my daily driver.
Stay safe and take care everyone.
SOTD 09 May 2020

Pre-shave: Shower, followed by cold water splash.
Soap: Kepkinh Eve.
Brush: Muhle Silvertip Fiber.
Bowl: NA - Face lather.
Razor: ATT Calypso M1.
Blade: Treet Platinum (Day 1).
Post: Cold water splash, Harris Face Tonic, and Barts Balm: Sandlewood and Rosemary Balm.
EDC: Geo F Trumper - Sandlewood.

A lovely shave this evening, I think I now have ot the hang of the ATT Calypso - I find it a very mild, and exceptionally smooth razor. A 3 pass shave WTG, XTG (left and right) face with a WTG and XTG pass on the neck. A DFS+ finish with no issues to report.

I am enjoying the Treet platinum; shaved with that all last week in the Blackbird - a great combination. I thought the Treet may be on the mild side with the Calypso M1, but no - a close, comfortable and efficient shave. Great audio feedback from the Calypso.

One of the things I love about Theshavingroom is shave of the day and seeing the experiences of others. A shout out to @Digimonkey for his 2 week (possibly more) stint with the Calypso, which captured my interest.

All the best,
