SOTD : Saturday 06th March to Friday 12th March 2021

12 March

Signature Soaps Danum
PAA Peregrino
Ikon Deluxe DLC
Feather Hi-stainless
Signature Soaps Danum asl

A very comfortable and close two pass shave this morning. The Ikon has been with me a long time and is still a top performer. The Signature soap has only been with me for a couple of days and is also a top performer. The PAA brush also makes that list. Great start to the day.
So here's the next thing, the first person who sends me there UK BASED full postal address on a PM, gets sent these for free
Thanks very much @Asfalloth As discussed, I'm not sure the enablers will be happy though as I was about to press go on an order with Gemstone for more Tiger blades, plus a load of stuff to make up P&P that I don't really need - certainly not while I wade through the Box of Delights anyway
Nice one Joe and congratulations to @Jester for being quick off the draw and bagging these blade's!


Pre: hot shower and sanctuary triple cleansing mousse
Brush: Yaqi 26mm mysterious colour tuxedo
Soap: TOBS peppermint ( fresh arrival )
Razor: Rockwell 6s plate 4
Blade : Gillette super thin platinum #2
Aftershave: Stirling glacial lemon chill
Aftershave balm: nivea sensitive aftershave balm

DFS shave today, but I was rushing a bit since had a meeting in 30 ish mins ....
Starting with the cream - very nice and refreshing scent, came today with order from eBay alongside body shop Maca root shaving cream as well as maca root and aloe post shave gel. As with tobs - it did whipped up beautiful lather. Love the scent!
I’m yet to try the plate 5 from Rockwell, however at the moment I’m quite happy with plate 4. Second use of the blade - very nice and smooth still - tiny bit of tugging in my problem spots. I feel like it was a notch smoother on first use actually. No errors to report , no irritation whatsoever !
finished off with Stirling glacial lemon chill splash - love the scent , reminds me of some hard lemon candies that I had as a Kid (minus the menthol bit that is) - very refreshing and nicely cooling.

gave skin a moment of rest and then applied a balm ... the balm is nearing towards the end, but as always , once you want something to get used up faster, it never does !

Brush - Yaqi 24mm Tuxedo Sagrada
Soap - Palmolive Menthol Cream
Razor - Gillette New OC
Blade - Astra SP (7)
Post - Witch Hazel/RSC Balm
AS - Brut Oceans

Now and again I'll stumble across a blade which continues to shave as well on it's 7th shave as it did on it's first, this particular ASP is one of those great blades.
I forget how smooth, comfortable and efficient the Gillette New OC is, what a beautiful design as well.
A great lather with the Palmolive Menthol, as I was building the lather I was considering it might be one of my favourite lathers for the slickness and post shave feel of it, might be the easiest lather to build as well.
No post shave burn or irritation today at the end of the shave.

Have a good Friday gents.
Fri 12th March

The Grosvenor 404mixed
Ach Brito- Mogno
RR Hawk V3 OC
Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink ( 8 )
Pitralon Classic A/S Lotion
Just completed a run of 12 Shaves with The Hawk V3 OC, the last 8 with a Kai-Pink on board. As an OC Razor there is nothing to fear, choose a blade that suits you and provided you do not rush a quality Shave is on the cards.

Pre: Shower
Brush: DS Cosmetics synth
Soap: OSP No. 08
Razor: Focus R48
Blade: 0.5 Gillette 7'O'C Black (3)
Post shave: Cold water rinse, TC's Infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Balm Rosemary and Sandalwood Balm
Aftershave: OSP No. 08

Not the greatest shave today, although the result i am very happy with.
A wonderful lather from the 1st use of the OSP No.8, i also like the scent, not too strong on this one, light and fresh.
I used the other half of the blade i used in the R28 yesterday which was smooth and comfortable, today this half felt prickly and sharp, not very nice, the result was a BBS finish from 3 full passes and no indication from the splash, maybe it just does not like the 7o'C black, anyway it has been banked.
So a nice post shave finishing off the last of the Barts Balm sandalwood, boo!. The new splashes from James are nice but i do prefer the older versions.
Stay safe and enjoy your day All
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